Tummy bloated

Hi everyone, I hope it’s ok to post here.  I am not a stranger to this site, I visited regularly when my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. 

I now am reaching out for my own personal reasons. I have had a bloated tummy since before my last period (next one is due next week) at first I thought I had just put on a bit of weight but the scales said I hadn’t.  I sort of forgot about it until last week when my jeans felt uncomfortable to wear, leggings and joggers are my friends at the moment. I jumped on the scales and have put on 4lb.

The bloating feels tight and uncomfortable, although if I pull my tummy in it disappears (not comfortable to hold this for long though) I have become conscious of it and even began measuring my tummy to keep a track of it grows. I was on holiday for a few days last week which could be the cause of the weight gain so am being good this week and will weigh again. I will of course visit the doctor if it carries on, although wondering if I should wait until after my period next week as sure when the doctor knows I am due on they will dismiss me (even though I had it before last period).

I googled and am now worried about ovarian cancer, one site even said bloating is a late stage symptom.  I am 32 and am feeling worried. Sorry to babble on, this site was a comfort a few years ago and so I am turning to you again x 

  • I hope it’s okay if I post here, as I am new and not diagnosed, but I just wanted to offer support. I am having symptoms too. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone either. I’ve been thinking about messaging you but I was afraid, but I saw your other messages and I had to. I saw where you’re having an ultrasound? Please let me know how it goes. I’ll keep you in my thoughts. I hope you’re doing alright.

  • Hi of course it’s ok to jump on.  Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms? As you saw on another message I went today and am being referred for bloods and scan.  Wasn’t expecting him to be worried so it’s got me more worried. How are you? What symptoms do you have? x 

  • At least it’s being looked at, right? I know it’s really scary and worrisome but at least it’s not being ignored or anything. Your doctor is looking out for you it seems! I’ve been to one myself, yes. I went because I was bloated, in pain, and it was hard to eat. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 23rd. It’s nervewracking waiting. 

  • Hi  I hope it is okay to answer. I don't know what is going on with me exactly. I haven't been right gyny wise for about two months been treated for vaginal infections and urine infections. Went back to the gp two weeks ago with a feeling of pressure in my bladder and pain in my groin and some pain on sex. I have the coil so don't have periods. She examined me externally and when she pressed my right ovary I had pain she did a swab and came back normal. I have been referred for an ultrasound on Fri. I am scared witless and an emotional wreck atm. I now have pain that comes and goes it is in my right side above my hip in my stomach groin and right ovary. It moves around. I have less of an appetite but I feel that is more due to anxiety. I don't have any bloating. Try not to worry which I know it is easier said than done as I am worrying.  when I googled my symptoms came up as ovarian cancer!! 


  • Sounds like we are all in similar boats, waiting and getting anxious. It’s good our doctors are doing something, I keep asking myself would I really be happy if I was sent away with tablets and no scan or blood tests.  Have either of you had the ca125 blood test? Anxiety is awful for appetite. 

    My pains in my ovary have been horrible today and my back ache. Not sure when my scan will come through but due on my period next week and they are so heavy that of it comes through then I wouldn’t be able to have it. 

  • hi I went to gp around December and told my gp I had ovarian cancer he said I didn't as my routine bloods were fine, I left feeling reasured then started googling few months later as symptoms continued and realised that routine bloods don't show ovarian cancer and u need ca125 blood test I went back to gp and requested one, I am now waiting on hystorectomy for ovarian cancer large mass, not saying this to be the case with u but push for the test and scan x

  • Hi how are you now i hope your feeling better did you go to the docs?i done the same as you and googled my symptoms yest then ended are worried sick all day!as my symptoms came up ovarian cancer to.iv had a tender feel in the right of my lower stomach and kept feeling pressure like ineed awee.when i googled it came up the same,ovarian cancer,iwas going to make a doc apt today but im not feeling like i need to go now i feel loads better.i did read its rare in under 40s i know this doesnt mean that we wouldnt have it,maybe your bloated for other reasons,could be where your due on that bloats you doesnt it x

  • Hi, think you misread my post, I'm still waiting on hystorectomy for ovarian cancer, possibly spread to some part bowel and also stomach, I'm 42, before my symptoms varied day to day, now they are constant, and I look 8 months pregnant, I would defo visit your gp and ask for ca125 test, better safe than sorry, and if it is least it be caught early x also I don't bleed and have had none, I'm on mini pill x 

  • Hi pasta i saw your post and wondered how your doing?for the last few days iv felt some pressure on my bladder yest i couldnt stop weeing and had a tender feeling in my lower right side i googled and ovarian cancer came up i spent the day worrying.iwas going to ring the docs this morn but i feel alot better today im not feeling like i need to wee now,my stomach feels slightly tender but i keep pushing it to c if its hurting!i think it may have been awater infection  or id still b needing to wee i should think?i just wondered how your were doing its so worrying isnt it x

  • Hi, wondering how you are all doing after your results and what was the diagnosis? Hope you don't mind me asking that but I am currently experiencing constant bloatedness with weight loss and I'm already thinking the worst.