Trying to be so strong, but falling apart.

Just need to talk.

I have so many things whizzing around in my head but can't get them out. 

I'm trying to be so strong, but I'm falling apart. 

I want to look after everyone and be there for them but I cant. I just want to make everything ok. 

I'm losing my mum. But it's not just me. I'm not the only sibling. 

My brother lived with my mum for many of years, but Mum is being moved to a nursing home tomorrow near us to be near the rest 9f her family. It's her wish. 

But now my brother is left all alone in an empty home. No one to comfort him. We are miles apart. I just want him to talk to me and know he's not alone. 

My heart is hurting so much. This is so unfair. This world is so cruel. 

I feel like I'm taking my mum away from my brother. I feel so bad. 

Everything is just such a mess and I know it's going to get so much harder. 

I love my mum so much. I don't want to loose her. I don't want her to leave me. 

I just need my mum. I'm trying to cry quietly so my daughter don't hear me. I feel I shouldn't cry in front of everyone. 

My daughter was shouting at me today. I asked her to be nice to me and I didn't need it. She said it's all about me and she's hurting to. 

I know this. I'm trying to help everyone. She realised and said I understand your losing your mum, I didn't look at it that way. I know she's hurting in her own way. But I just wish she would be more understanding. 

Tomorrow is going to be a long hard day. 

I just needed to talk to someone and get it all of my chest. Even if it's just only words written in front of me. 


  • Hiya Matey,

    It's only necessary to be 'sufficient to the moment'. No need to be strong. No need to keep it all inside. The best thing for you and your daughter's own health would be to wrap your arms around her, acknowledge that she's upset about her Grandma and have a good cry together. 

    Draw the sting.

    When you're feeling low, tell her. Have her tell you when she's feeling sad. Once things are out in the open it's virtually impossible to be openly sad all the time, so take the opportunities to smile and laugh when they arise.

    Sufficient to the moment. Don't think about tomorrow or next week/month/year, just deal with the now. And in ten minutes or an hour or whenever, just deal with the new now.

    Sufficient to the moment.


    Best Regards


  • Hi there ... just wondered if it's possible to move your brother up with / near you a while ... it must be hard for you all ... can't add more then telemando, as like him, l believe in sharing feelings, hugs , and a few tears too .. pain is unbearable when you hold it in ... when you all admit your scared you can hold each other's hand... and get through this together .... Chrissie xx

  • Thank you. Your right. 

    I will remember these words and keep looking back over them to remind myself. 

    I wish I could say more. 

    Thank you for your kind words. 

    Tina. Xx

  • Hi Chrissie. We have been discussing about bringing him down to stay with us. We offered to take him last night. But unfortunately he has my mothers dog and cat to look after. He refused. But we are also trying to get him relocated to. 

    He want open up to me. He's never been one for starring he's feelings, where as I am. 

    I'm just a mother hen. And worry about everyone and everything. 

    Today my mum is moving to her new nursing home. Today is a bad day. She has deteriated more. She is unable to talk today. Only knod. 

    This is happening far to quick. I'm so scared. But at least I will be five minutes away and can give her a big hug. 

    Thank you also for your kind words. 

    Sorry I can't say more. My head is a complete mess today. 



  • Just remember , always here if you need to chat ... thinking of you ... big hug Chrissie x

  • Thank you Chrissy. 

    My poor mum was in a right state yesterday. The hispital had not given her her steroid tablet nor calming meds for the journey. 

    She was shaking so badly. It was so sad and scary seeing her like that. I really thought I was going to lose her. 

    She has not even been given a wash. Her hair was greasy and not brushed. She wasn't taken to the toilet. And she was only fed soup. She had to endure a 2 hour plus journey which my husband did. They had not even sorted a ambulance out for her. None of her meds had been sorted. It took over 5 hours for mum to be discharged. 

    I'm so angry. Plus to top it off she has personal belongings missing from the hospital. A silver necklace my daughter gave her. She's upset. Perfume and toiletries. And worse of all, £25 was taken from her purse. Plus her bank card is not in there to. More stress added. 

    Who would do such terrible things. 

    I phoned the hospital and they confirmed they are not there. 

    I'm just so upset. 

    On the plus side. Mum is now settled on her new home. She finally relaxed and looked so much calmer. I'm happy for her. 

    The nurse came in yesterday as we were talking about her meds. The doctors have reduced her steroids to one a day. Why would they do this. They are the only thing helping my mum.  It's the past two days they did this, and this is where we noticed the difference. More confusion and now un able to even talk.

    Words just fail me now. 8 can't express how angry and upset I am. 

    I just hope mum has a better day today. 

    Thank you for your reply. 

    It does mean a lot. Sorry for the rant. Xx