Trying not to think the worst

Hi. I'm 53, and I have 2WW referral appt on Wed, as I have had post menopausal bleeding and pelvic pain for the last month. It started as just spotting, but is steadily getting worse. I've also had some bowel problems.

I started the menopause in my early 40s, so have been on HRT for about 10 years - stopped it last week on GP advice, until I know what's going on. 

Of course, I made the mistake of Googling my symptoms, and that, combined with GP's reaction, has me worried that I have endometrial cancer. I'm trying to reassure myself that it could be something else - does anyone know if hyperplasia causes pain as well as bleeding? Any other ideas would be appreciated, just to try and keep the panic at bay!

Thanks in anticipation