Triple neg breast cancer about to start chemo


I had BC 2 yrs ago, lumpectomy, sentinel lymph biopsy and RT for 15 sessions. It came back. July I had full mastectomy and lymph clearance, histology was triple negative. In two days I start chemo FEC-T plus Carboplatin.

I have worked in the NHS for 41 years, to say I am apprehensive is an understatement and being on the receiving end of treatment is humbling. I have a fantastic team looking after me and I will fight this with all my strength. My partner has Ben amazing but I worry about support for him, he won't ask for help.

I'd be grateful to hear from anyone else who has been through this and how they are after treatment. I know the side effects are unpleasant but long term?? How does one cope afterwards?


  • Hi, I also have triple negative breast cancer and start my chemo on the 19th October. I've no idea of what to expect, apart from the side effects that I may get and losing my hair (devastated about this).

    wishing you all the best. Xxx


  • Hi, I have triple negative breast cancer and so far have had a mastectomy and I am half way through fec-t chemo. As far as side effects go we are all different and while one person will appear to fly through others will experience the whole range of side effects, so far apart from some serious nausea I have coped well. Just remember don't suffer in silence, talk to your oncology team, they can adjust the order of the chemo to make it kinder and a range of medications are available to combat the *** bits. I'm afraid I can't help with what happens after treatment but I hope I can allay some of the fears of chemo, it isn't pleasant but it can be done and time really does fly by. My hair started to really drop out in week three after my first chemo but it's not too bad, I shaved my head in preparation and I have to admit ithe bald look has grown on me lol. Good luck with your first session, you can do this x
  • Hi, I was diagnosed with BC in August. I've had my surgery and was initially told I'd only need to have radiotherapy but after the results of an OncotypeDX test it was decided that I needed the chemo. I visit the chemo unit this afternoon for the initial visit, then start chemo tomorrow morning. I'm finding it pretty scary, especially as everything has happened so fast. I'm having FEC - how have other people found this, and anyone got any tips for getting through it? I had very long, thick, curly hair, but last week I had a very short pixie cut as I thought it might be easier to deal with it dropping out when already short, plus it gave me back a bit of control over things. My long plait is now nestled in my drawer, and has been nicknamed Red-Tale by the family - lol.
  • Thanks Sooty

    I had my first chemo yesterday and apart from a bit of a struggle to get a vein, mine really are not good, the treatmet went well.

    The drip took about 2.5 hours and I didn,t feel bad at all during treatment. The tiredness, headache  and spaced out feeling kicked in about 4 hours later then nausea at about midnight, I did however get some sleep and today have just had a 'wooly head' and slight nausea.

    I was given plenty of medication to combat sickness so all in all it isn't so bad although I know the first 7 days you can feel a bit worse.

    I hope your treatment goes smoothly, maybe we could keep in touch and support each other. My second treatment is on 26th Oct.

    Best wishes


  • Hi

    Sounds like your team are acting fast as i know from previous experience, the waiting around is the worst part.

    I had my first cycle of FEC yesterday and it was OK so please don't worry. The Chemo girls are lovely and very experienced, I have pretty *** veins but my nurse managed and used a baby cannula.

    The whole thing went well and symptoms didn't kick in til the evening, I would advise making sure you are well hydrated the day you go for chemo, I drank 1500 mls before 12 md. It helps flush the drugs through your body. Also i had a light, meal poached egg on toast about an hour before I left home.

    I hope your treatment goes well



  • Hi

    Glad your treatement is going OK, had my first FEC cycle yesterday and it wasn't too bad. Have a few side effects which kicked in about 4 hours later but manageable, just feel spaced out today, nausea is mild.

    Not too worried about hair loss, at my age there isn't much anyway and menopausal hot flushes have decided for me not to go down the wig route, it would spend more time in my bag than on my head!!!

    Hoping my second cycle goes as smoothly

    Take care


  • Hi i have small cell lung cancer and breast cancer i have just completed chemo carboplatin with etoposide i sailed through follow the instructions that the team give you take the antisickness drugs drink lots of water and eat plenty my hair came out but i bought wigs off amazon stay positive and keep planning good luck

  • Thankyou Lizbeth,

    I am doing exactly as you suggest and at the imstructio of my team. My only real concerns now are my poor venous access but i am going to be referred for a PICC line after my next session so things will be easier.

    Hope you are keeping well

    I am not bothered about my hair, think I will just wear a turban scarf, don't think a wig is my thing but will wait and see.



  • Hi Anni I finished chemo three months ago and had a PICC line inserted before I started the therapy. It was the best thing to have. It only took about an hour to put in and from then on I had all my therapy and all blood for testing taken through the PICC. You have to keep it dry so showering with a plastic "sleeve" was mandatory, boy was I glad when it came out (about three weeks after my chemo was finished) so I could shower without it! I am now 3 months post-chemo and back at work full time. My hair is growing back, just my toenails (which all fell off) and finger nails are still looking awful but I am sure that will improve with time. You will get through it believe me and the support you get is amazing. I have a wig but it was too hot to wear it so I just went around bald! I was off work for 6 months during the chemo as I really didnt have the strength sometimes to even drive! Hope all goes well for you xx
  • Hi Anni,

    I have just finished chemo (Fec80) three weeks ago. I did very well on it indeed. Little or no side effects and only sick once on the very first day. I also did not do the additional steroids and id not even require their anti sickness meds. 

    I stayed in the house and did not go out too much and as a result did not have visits to hospital with infections or illnesses. I think you can just make up your mind at the very start to NOT be unwell on this treatment and then you will be fine.

    Here is a story I wrote for a local paper about my experience of chemo and BC.