Tonsils and teeth

Hi! I'm new to this but have been reading the incredibly supportive and positive posts and thought I'd give it a go. I had a throat infection at the beginning of the year which my doctor thought might be a quinsy. When the swelling went down a bit it seemed to be tonsilitis but though my sore throat got better, the right side of my throat stayed swollen almost shut.  After several visits to the doctor, the dentist and having courses of  antibiotics, one of my doctors found swollen glands and I have started on a total rollercoaster of treatment. I have tonsil cancer which has spread to two of my lymph nodes. I got my treatment plan from my consultant yesterday and get my mask mould tomorrow and my appointment schedule on Thursday.

Today, though, I go to the Dental Hospital to talk about extractions. This is the thing I am finding most hard. I know my teeth are in a bit of a state even though I look after them. Poor dental care when I was young has left me with loads of fillings and as I am getting older it is harder and harder to maintain them. My poor dentist! But my treatment means that a lot of them just have to go. The suggestion is to remove all my molars. All of them! I know that this is a small price; I'm not having any surgery or being left with any  physical change to my body. I am so lucky not to have to deal with life changing issues. My mum had bowel cancer and I saw how hard it was for her to adapt to the new circumstances in her life after her treatment. All I'll have to do is eat more carefully. 

My chemo and radiotherapy will be hard (obviously, is there any other  kind?) and I will pretty much be out of circulation till about Easter, I think.  My consultant says there is no reason to think that this will have anything other than a successful outcome. So why so hung up on my knackered old gnashers? I mean, I'll make a fortune  from the Tooth Fairy....

Wharever. They are scheduled for demolition and that's that. A life of sucking Werther's Originals and chewing like a rabbit beckons. But at least it's beckoning! Has anyone else had a similar experience? How did you get on?

Hope and health to you all!

  • Hi good luck with your treatment and I'm pleased to note you still have a sense oh humor.

    Big hug x

  • Hi there,

    I myself have been diagnosed with throat cancer and was similar rollercoaster treatements of antibiotics/anti acid etc etc until cancer diagnosed.
    I had to get all my back teeth out as it can cause complications with radiotherpay and told teeth can crumble with treatment hence removal before treatment plan.
    I actually went in for surgery as quite a few in one go and no way was I doing that without anesthetic. Put treatment back quite a few weeks, but extraction with local freeze not an option for me.
    Not the best treatment but just part of treatment sometimes necessary im afraid.

    Im surprised mask mould made beforehand as I was told that jaw etc had to settle down before mask was made as it had to be perfect fit when going through radiotherapy.

    Wish you well on your journey and good to keep postive ,as I have been throughout, and hang on to discussion with consultant stating looking for a cure and its highly treatable.

    Keep in touch with us on your journey and ask away for any questions/tips etc as you go along.

    As you say, its not the best treatment, but it has quite a good prognosis.

    Afraid you just need to re think about eating toffee etc again!

    kind regards


  • Hi Grumpypuss and welcome to our small but supportive group. So sorry to hear you are going through this and yes the treatment us definitely a long road and gruelling but the ourcome us one of the more positive ones. My hubby was diagnosed with scc tonsils with lymph node metastasis in December 2015 and after 5 cycles of Cistplatin chemo and 30 fractions of VMAT radiotherapy plus a neck dissection ( the chemoradiation unfortunately didn’t clear the tumour in his lymph nodes) he has been in remission since July 2016.

    The teeth thing really resonates with us as even though Im a nurse I didn’t consider the possibility of him loosing teeth and as he’s always taken great careof them to hear he had to loose 4 was a shock. I think it was the straw that broke the camels back in a time of great anxiety and distress. He kept saying ‘ not only have I got cancer and they’re going to pouson ne with cgemo and fry me with radiation they want my teeth too ‘ We we’re completely aware that in the grand scheme of things loosing teeth compared to dying was a small price to pay it was just so distressing for us.

    Anyway the teeth had to go and that was that but here we are 2 1/2 years later living a good life looking to the future and never taking anything for granted.

    wishing you luck and best wishes - let us know how you get on and if you have any questions then go ahead and ask away we gave lots if tios to get you through.



  • Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am literally just out of the Dental Hospital and they are going to risk keeping my teeth, except for the one that my dentist and I have been nursing along for some time now and which should have been out aong time ago.

    I am so genuinely happy that I am surprised at myself. It's an unexpected piece of luck and I am already aware that I am one of the luckiest unlucky people, if that makes sense.

    Wishing you well in your journey! Let me know how you are doing and I'll send you lots of good vibes. Sooners!


  • Hi Allie

    lol yes that makes sense and know what you mean. Dose of dentist on top or treatment plan wasnt best but hey ho took advice.

    Im doing quite ok thanks and finish my 6 weeks of treatment this Friday, although aware may be few weeks before side effects start to get any better.

    I wish you well on your journey as well and let me know if I can help in any way at all.

    I have stayed positive since diagnosed and sounds like you are quite positive as well, whgich I think helps so keep positive and strong and think of little blip of treatment to get this darn thig away and cured.

    Kind regards

  • Thank you, Reet. Sorry to be so long in replying. I got to keep my teeth after all and my treatment has been delayed by a week so I might still be up for the Christmas dinner. Fingers crossed! Be well!

  • Hi Ian, sorry to be so long in replying. I hope you are feeling better and that your side effects are disappearing daily.

    Positive and strong seems to be the way to go. Am I bigger than some *** wee mutated cells? Well, duh? Sounds like you are bigger than your illness, too. 

    My treatment starts maybe next week. I had to have a second mask made and there was a delay. I will be checking your back posts for tips. I read a post a little while ago advising a lady in France to make online bets on horses during her chemo - was that you? It's a thought although I know nothing about horses. Think I'll stick to trashy novels on the Kindle.

    Sending you more good stuff,



  • Hi Emma,

    Thanks for your incredibly supportive post. I hope that your husband is still doing well. 

    I am having a very similar treatment:2 Cistplatin and 30 radiotherapy. It has been delayed because I needed to have a second mask made and it should start next week. Or maybe the following week? Anyway, it will be what it is. I know I will come out of it fine in the long run.

    Sending you both lots of good stuff,


  • Hi there,

    well wishing you well on your journey and do check back some of my posts and aother thread where I posted weekly updates.

    Positive is the way to go and although some side effects can be a little naff, its price to pay to have word cured pining around by consultant.

    an no lol...I didnt advise a ladt in Frace to bet on horses lol,,,,I have no idea of what therpauetic value that would give through treatment as just more disapoitment when your horses loses lol.

    Nah, I dont have scooby about horses and dont bet online apart from the lottery, in which I am scheduled to win shortly. You probably warmer and safer with trash novels on Kindle.

    Keep up your positive attitue my friends as it goes a long way and of course please keep us posted on how you are getting on as well as ask away anyting at all re tips etc

    kind regards
