Tonsil cancer and recovery, my story so far.......

Tonsil cancer and recovery, my story so far.......

I discovered a small lump on the left hand side of my neck, just under my jaw, sort of gland area in May 2018. I assumed it was a swollen gland, but when it didn't go away after approx. 2 weeks, I went to my doctor. He wasn't overly concerned, but said it should be investigated if it was still there after 3 weeks, which it was. I went back to my doctor and he referred me to an ENT clinic. I underwent various tests, blood test, ultrasound, biopsy, CT scan and pet scan and all of the results were inconclusive, the doctors were adamant that the lump was harmless, however they would have to remove the lump. The operation was a success and a 4.5cm lump was removed, one week later I was told that it was cancer, a secondary cancer with an unknown origin. A second operation was required to find the origin, so my tonsils were removed, a small piece from the base of my tongue and all lymph nodes from the left hand side of my neck. This operation was much more complex, took around 4 hours and recovery was very difficult to say the least. Around a week later again I was told the cancer had originated in my left tonsil (HPV+) and found in a further 4 lymph nodes. No trace of cancer in my tongue thankfully and the lymph nodes with cancer were directly surrounding my tonsil and had not spread further down my neck. Around 40 lymph nodes were removed in total. I was told I would need 6 weeks of radiotherapy.  Which, quite frankly was the worst news ever, based on the possible/likely side effects, and not forgetting that horrible mask. I was to have a high dose of radiation to the left hand side of my neck and a lower dose to the right. I postponed my treatment until after christmas and at this very moment I finished my treatment just over 6 weeks ago. The treatment was difficult and I felt side effects almost immediately, my saliva thickened up and my taste changed very quickly. I managed to eat the whole way through and even now without too much pain, obviously with a lot of medication. I am on a fairly strict, bland diet so not to aggravate my throat and ulcers. I started getting ulcers towards the end of my treatment which are only just clearing up now, but over the past few days managed to get oral thrush too.  I get quite alot of pain in my jaw/gum that goes up to my ear, which is really painful at night, but have eventually found a pain killer to help that. The mucous towards the end of my treatment got pretty bad and is only just subsiding. My taste is quite good already and saliva slowly getting better. I am convinced that I have faired better than most throughout the treatment because of the lower dose of treatment to the right hand side of my neck. I had no internal side effects on that side whatsover, just slight burning on the exterior. The left hand side of my neck burned quite badly in the end, then scabbed, then peeled, over already fragile skin due to the previous operations, but it did heal quickly. I am of course still healing and still very much in recovery right now, but I'm hoping things will still get better. Looking forward to my first packet of crisps and sweeties and of course some alcohol........

I thought I would share my story in the hope that I can help someone else, or give other tonsil cancer patients hope and be able to give some friendly advice if needed.  I am 38 years young, diagnosed at 37 if that is of any interest.

Best wishes to you all x

  • Hi 

    thus is Hazel ditto re tonsil I am 62 though and also diagnosed June last year my blog details everything with a link to another guy Ancho 1707 withbsame diagnosis 

    wevare a small club welcome to you from us 

    keep in touch Hazel xx 

  • Hi I forgot to say sweets I can’t eat crisps are my dream keep trying but no changes one nibble and mouthndries up I miss my crisps 


    anything you want to know just shout out


  • Glad to hear you are recovering well.  My husband is 17 days post treatment for tonsil, HPV +ve and doing ok in that the pain is not a big problem but is struggling to face up to eating because of the taste issues.  Might try some Mackesons, although I think I’m looking forward to a drink again more than he is!  Any taste ideas are most welcome 

    all the best 

  • Hi J4

    this is Hazel I am 7 months post radiotherapy I was lucky never lost taste but mine was exaggerated tiny bit of salt to me tasted like the Mediterranean Sea had been put into it. 

    My savour stsngexas is Sen’s in the early eating days Baxter’s consommé soup Luke warm not a lot of calories but a start inside of a pork pie warm the pie first even managed the pastry marks n spencer Cumberland pie lashings if gravy . Cheese on toast on crumpet on toast try as many things as u can to kick start the taste buds  it’s a slow process still today I find quality meat difficult to swallow eggs are a good standby .

    i have a blog 


    keep us posted 



  • Hi J4

    I was browsing a usa head&neck cancer site a few weeks ago and came across this posting.

    A woman wrote that her husbands oncologist recommended rinsing the mouth with a spoonful of sesame seed oil before eating.

    She said he had some taste within 2days and could taste everything within 2weeks.

    It might be worth a try,so long as he has no nut allergy of course. Other than that it would be harmless as you spit it out after swilling about tongue and palate.

    Best wishes xx

  • Thanks - will get him to try some!

  • Also heard s spoonful of coconut oil can do the same hazel 


  • Hi there 

    My hubby was diagnosed with tonsil cancer with lymph node involvement in December 2015. He had a tonsillectomy, 5 cycles if chemotherapy, 30 fractions if radiotherapy and a neck dissection as unfortunately his CT- PET scan at 3 months showed that he still had a tumour in his lymph nodes. He experienced much the same as you however Im here to say that things do improve. He has been in remission since July 2016 with no reoccurrence. Eating wise he can now manage anything so long as he has water to help it down - even crusty baguette! His tastes have changed - he did have a really sweet tooth but since his taste has returned he orefers savoury. He can taste the additives in somethings which put him off and very cold things such as ice cream turn his taste buds off completely. Fatigue is troublesome and in the last 6 months his thyroid has slowly stopped working effectively due to the damage from the radiotherapy so he now takes thyroxine. Reflux has also been a problem especially silent reflux at night - he takes pantoprazole to control it. 

    Take it slowly - one day at a time and you will notice the improvements happening. 

    By the way he was 54 when diagnosed - vegetarian, t- total, non smoking, runs every day so it came completely out of the blue ! 

    Wishing you loads of luck for your recovery and as Hazel says keep in touch .

    best wishes

    Emma - aka Newlymarried 

  • thanks - I think we have some lurking in the cupboard!

  • Worth a try. If any help my saliva this week and I am 8 month post radiotherapy has started to become normal ! So don’t give up hope. We are all different but hopefully all hazel