
Hi new to this, I'm not sure what to say 

I was diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer, i have had surgery to remove the lump and lymph nodes. I am waiting for my radiotherapy sessions to start in january, but it all seems unreal any advice would be great 

  • Just take it one day at a time. A lot can happen all at once, focus in and break it into bits. 

    It’s do able, I completed radiotherapy at the end of October, [@Sandra123]‍finished hers at the end of November, [@Jbains]‍finished hers about ten months ago, sorry not too sure on the exact time line. We’ve all done this and are here to tell the tale, you will be too. 

  • Hi there... I know what you mean about the feeling of 'not real' sometimes when I talk about it, it s a bit like I'm talking about someone else ... then I look down and no, it was me ...  I had grade 3 her 2 b.c ... riley has given great advice.. her and Sandra and j. Bains are an inspiration... they have ups and downs too ... they dont only hold each other up, they give honest advice and help to lots of others...

    So try to keep busy... one day and one problem at a time... try not to look ahead ... and reach out and let those close share your journey with you ... even the strongest have low days and teary ones... but it's about after that , jumping back on our rollercoaster and holding on tight ... it's a bumpy ride , but if you look around, wer all on that same ride with you ... big hug Chrissie xx