Thyroid cancer progressing to glands

Hello. I am just looking for a little advice. A year ago my sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer which resulted in surgery (thyroid fully removed) with radiotherapy follow up (radioactive isolation treatment). She has now been told that the cancer is in her neck glands and needs surgery to remove all the glands from her ear to her throat on a least one side (further test tomorrow to confirm extent). They have scheduled her operation for 10 days time and then she will have the repeat of the radioactive radiotherapy treatment. She is struggling to come to accept the news so it is difficult for us to find out how serious this is. Any advice greatly received. Many thanks  Ammy xx

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Ammy although I'm sorry to hear that your sister's cancer has spread and that is struggling to cope with this news.

    Being told your cancer has spread can be a big shock to the system as many of our members here know and hopefully some of them will reply soon to share their advice and experiences with you so you can help your sister through this difficult period.

    I have included some general information we have about thyroid cancer on our website for you to have a look but it may also be a good idea to have a chat with our cancer nurses. Their lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040 so do give them a call as they may be able to give some insight in to how serious this may be.

    Do also see if your sister will give you her permission to talk to her medical team as they will be in the best position to explain everything about your sister's situation to you.

    I hope her operation and radiotherapy go well Ammy. Our thoughts will be with you when she starts her treatment in 10 days time.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator