Thyroid cancer possibly spread to bones

Hello everyone

I had thyroid cancer 12 years ago which was successfully treated with a thyroidectomy and radio active iodine treatment. Recently I hurt my knee and seemed to develop sciatica soon after that which continued for a few weeks so I thought I better get it checked out.  The orthopaedic consultant did an MRI scan and to my horror an abnormality in my spine was discovered and the radiographer said it looked like a spread of a primary cancer.  I was totally numb with shock as this was so unexpected.I am now awaiting a full body bone scan and can't bear the waiting especially as it is bank holiday and nothing seems to happen! I am anxious and scared and wondered why they were doing a full body scan rather than a biopsy of the spine first to get a definitive diagnosis.  Would anyone know? 

Thank you - Barbara x



  • Hi Ash, welcome to the forum but sorry for the reason you are here. I'm sure you were devastated when you found out that the radiographer suspects the spread of a primary cancer. Most of us on here can understand how that would have felt for you. As for having a full body scan, that's a good thing. That way they will be able to find out exactly what is going on everywhere in your body and the more they know, the better able they are to treat you properly and thoroughly. I know its' scary to think that here you are dealing with this terrible disease yet again. Waiting of course, is the hardest too, as not knowing what is going on, is hard because our minds always think the worst. Try to occupy yourself with other things that hold your attention and that you enjoy doing as you wait. Share this burden with people in your life that you feel supported by and come on to the forum and get support from others on here who know how it is for you. Good luck and I'll be watching to see your next post and see how you are doing.

    Take care.


  • Hi Lorraine

    Thank  you for your supportive, kind words.  I am due to see the consultant this after non and will of course post an update.

    warmest wishes

