Three at once

Really I am posting just to say I am 73, and was a widower when I married my partner in January. We went away for a week and came home with symptoms. Two weeks later I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.( had an extended right hemicolonectomy removing most of my large intestine). During the operation one lymph node was found to be cancerous, and then the surgeon hit me with by he was I have removed a NET from your duodenum, totally unrelated, and further more the scan shows your kidney also has a tumour, unrelated to either. Therefore three unrelated cancers at the same time.

I am doing ok. I have just finished the first round of chemo to mop up the bowel cancer and NET cells.  I have just had a scan on the kidney to see what’s what.  The choices are leave it if no change, partial removal by robot or full removal of kidney.

I have put the weigh5 I lost back on, I have an appetite like a horse, and coping with chemo side effects, although I do get tired.

I am lucky to have had a great surgeon, I am lucky to having urologists looking after me. I am luck that the NHS exists.

I have a wife who is rock steady and I couldn’t do without. 

Thats all.    DaveCee