This might well be you - have a read please

Back from a Consultant appt today. He wants me to have a colonoscopy but doubts I have anything to worry about & thinks it might be IBS. It's all such a relief I can tell you. I'm placing this new post to say a HUGE thank you to all those who have responded to my frantic posts over the past 10 days or so & have been so supportive.

I'm also posting to try to give some re-assurance to those worried waiting for their results. Waiting is absolutely dreadful & it's so easy to let your mind go to those very, very dark corners where cancer lurks. My GP said that 9 out of 10 people referred for cancer tests don't have anything horrid. Like me, you are very likely to be 1 of the 10.

Try your best to keep those numbers at the forefront of your mind no matter how bad the symptoms (mine were/are awful). Try to keep yourself busy so the time waiting will pass more quickly.

I wish each & every one of you who reads my post the very, very best outcome.

Purrfect xx

  • Thank you purrfect, my anxiety is really bad and i have this huge black cloud lurking above me.  No matter what i do its there! 

    I just cant switch off at all.  I either feel like I'm going mad, going to die or sumin horrid.  I really dont want to feel like this, but i feel so tired and drained cos of the anemia and I've started my period so now losing more blood.  Just so scared that something bads going to happen.  

    My mind is just playing all kinds of scenarios in my head.  My hubby tells me to be positive and get on with things, i just cant.  

    My appointment is on the 2nd July, and i hate feeling like this day in day out! I feel like i just cant cope.... 

    I dont deal with being ill very well, and health anxiety with a health scare is just the pants.

    But your post is lovely x 

  • Hi Jo  - I can tell you are struggling with this & that feeling is absolutely awful!! Let me say first that you are NOT going mad. Everyone who has unpleasant symptoms like yours feels the worst is going to happen & waiting for appointments & test results is a kind of living nightmare which feels impossible to get out of. I'm sure, like most of us, you've had a nightmare in the past but they don't last forever do they? They end & this misery of yours will end too I promise. I promise. Of course I can't promise how it will end - no-one can but end it will.

    Feeling you can't cope is perfectly normal but in fact you ARE coping just not very well at this moment. As I said in my post 9 out of 10 people turn out to be fine. Why shouldn't you be one of them? I was & so were plenty of others. 

    It's this not coping well at the moment that's hard for you & unless others around you have been in the situation it's hard for them to understand how difficult it is. It's very important that you do your best to listen carefully to what I've said, take a deep breath & take things hour by hour. Do the little ordinary/everyday things that you normally do. Think of it as going thro' a tunnel - it's dark in there at the moment but there WILL be light at the end of it. The chances are (9 out of 10 remember) that you will be fine. But, even if there is something more serious it WILL NOT necessarily what you fear most & something which is easily treatable.

    Keep posting here if/when you feel you need to & you will get all the support you need. Everyone here understands the start of & the journey to results. You aren't alone & you are coping you just need to be a little more successful at it & you will be I'm sure.

    Wishing you the best & try to reflect on what I've said. xx

  • Great post purrfect!

    Sums it up well, and I’m so delighted that things have gone well for you considering your fears just a few days ago.

    Enjoy your weekend now and relax. xx

  • Thanks Minska - very kind as usual! xx

  • Hi Beatricex - not feeling great is normal Your appt. WILL come thro' & whatever the outcome of it people here will support you. Chin up - I'd bet my bottom dollar you are braver than you think - most of us are when push comes to shove no matter what we might think of ourselves. Good luck with everything. x

  • Well, trying to be brave IS being brave - ever thought of it that way? Pat yourself on the back & ty for being happy for me - much appreciated. It will soon be sorted so hang on in there. xx

  • Hello Purrfect, I hope you see this as I know this is an old post but I'm 24 year old male I recieved a colonoscopy about 3 weeks ago I was told nothing at all was found even though I've been bleeding from the back passage as well as abdominal pains and swelling. I'm really nervous now waiting for my results as of the waiting and I'm absolutely terrified over it at the moment as now I seem to be noticing more and more suspicious things going on in my body did you have to wait long for biopsy results?

  • hello Reece

    I'm sorry to hear how very worried you are & that you are feeling so unwell. To be honest it's quite a long time since I had my colonoscopy & I can't quite recall just how long I waited for results but I don't think it was a very long time. My guess is that no news is good news. It's very likey you would have heard by now if there had been concerns. Have you contacted your GP to ask about the results?  He/she will chase them up if nothing has come back.

    When I was ill/had the colonoscopy I was convinced I had cancer but it turned out to be something quite different & after an operation I have been fine. This could well be the case for you although I know how terrifying these things can be. Please DO contact your GP & trust that things more often than not turn out to be well. Let me know how you get on & take care. x



  • Thank you for the reply Purrfect, I just dont know how to feel at the moment and feel so let down by the service's due to my age. I was told 3 seperate things by 3 different medical professionals who told me things that contradicted each other. 

    So now I feel as if though I have been left in the dark about what is truly going on as they wont refer me to get a CT scan as my ultrasound was ok, but I fear I've been looking in the wrong places and that an ultrasound isnt entirely accurate.

    I have also been refused to see a mental health nurse, due to the fact my GP thinks my on going health problems are the cause of my anxiety. Even though they have seen clear signs of self harm to my face through fear and anxiety. I'm really depressed at the moment and feel so alone and I'm not getting took seriously despite trying to push as much as I can to get seen and help.

    Thank you anyway Purrfect hopefully I can get some sort of closure within the next week you take care too x

  • I am currently going through a bowel cancer scare you are not alone in this. 
    My father was diagnosed with bowel cancer and they told him there and then after the colonoscopy that he had cancer. So if they didn't tell you have cancer I'm guessing you don't. The biopsies they've taken are to look for other things in your vowel that look healthy to rule out things like colitis ibd/infections etc. 
    plesse don't worry I will be going for my colonoscopy on Thursday my inbox is always open if you need to talk Charl x