This is all so surreal...

Hi there, this just feels so bizarre that I’m writing on here but here goes... 

I am a 29 year girl, who is very healthy and active. Around 2 years ago, I found myself with symptoms which I knew weren’t normal. So I started going to the doctors. I saw around 15 gps who would always send me away saying that my symptoms were either; period pains, IBS, piles, constipation or faecal impaction. However my symptoms over the last 8 months got so bad I have been taken to hospital as I was in so much pain. 

I was taken for a CT scan which showed up nothing apart from being constipated, but it was when I went in for my colonoscopy to check for IBD which is when things didn’t quite go the way I thought. The colonoscopy was a lot quicker than I thought, which att the time I thought ... great! However, the words to follow were the worst I could imagine. The reason it was so short was because of the tumor growing in my colon. 

My emotions are all over the place. I’m angry that it took so long for someone to take me seriously. I’m upset that I have to tell my family what’s wrong with me after they’ve seen me go through this for so long. It’s frustrating when you’re told that its Christmas and appointments will take longer than normal. But I guess there must be a part of me that thinks... finally. We know what’s been wrong with me and it wasn’t in my head. 

I just wondered if anyone had support or experience in any of this? I’m now waiting on an MRI scan, a chest X-ray to make sure it hasn’t spread - all my other organs are fine. And a CT colongraphy. Hopefully it’s not too

big and they can operate quickly. 


Thanks for for reading this, as I say, never done anything like this before. Just feel totally lost.

Olivia xx 

  • Hi Olivia,

    So sorry to read about your condition and the length of time it took for you to get a valid diagnosis.

    I'm sure that you'll be sick and tired of hearing people tell you that it is highly unusual for someone your age to contract this kind of cancer. I certainly was when I was diagnosed ... and I was 55 years old at the time not in my twenties! My own diagnosis was delayed because like you I'd initially been sent down a non-cancer, non-urgent, care pathway.

    The fact that it is Christmas probably won't delay things too much, the cancer waiting time targets apply 52 weeks per year.

    Now you are on a cancer care pathway, different rules apply and the majority of hospitals hit their cancer targets. We get quite a lot of posts on here from people who are concerned that their care pathway suddenly accelerated once a cancer diagnosis has been made. That and the fact that getting results from scans and tests sometimes feels like it takes forever. 

    Feeling lost is pretty normal, the shock also makes many of us feel emotionally numb which puzzles our families who feel devastated by the news and think we should be too. 

    At least you now know why you've been feeling ill for so long and can concentrate on getting better.

    Best wishes and good luck with your scans and tests.



  • One of my best friends was diagnosed with small intestine cancer and it was in lymphs 

    He had chemo and surgery 

    fast forward 5 years he's fine 

    living life to the full 


    he stayed positive throughout 

    an inspiration to me as I now have stage 1 breast cancer

    stay strong 
