Thickening of breast Tissue/Swollen Breast


This is my first post and I am writing on here because I am lost, upset, scared and quite frankly I don’t know what to do with myself.

I am 29 years old and after a trip to A&E last night as my right breast was so swollen to my left.

First 2 doctors I saw said I had a lump on my right breast above my nipple. I was forwarded onto a surgeon and she examined me and told me it was more a mass of thickened skin tissue. 

For the past 3 months I have had a pain in my right shoulder and down through my arm also. 

I am really worried this could be cancer and potentially spread to my bones. I am getting myself into a state and I don’t know what to do. 

With a breast swollen, thickening of the tissue and pain all down one shoulder and arm on the same side be anything other than cancer? 

To say I’m petrified is an understatement 

  • Hi Tinkerbell13

    Sorry to hear the reason why you are on this forum.  Ok so take a deep breath, it’s absolutely natural for you to be worried, but at the moment you don’t know what it is , and remember not all breast issues turn out to be cancer.

    I too worried, and was worried that it was in my bones and had pains in all sorts of places in my body. The best thing is to go through the process and get it checked out.

    What are the next steps for you, have you been referred or do you need to go to your GP and get them to refer you? 

    I am sure there will be others along who will also share their experiences [@mejules][@BigJean]‍ , I would recommend staying off google as it generally goes to worst case scenarios. 

    Keep in touch and let me know how you get on, wishing you all the very best. 



  • Thank you so much for your reply! 

    I am going to see my GP on Tuesday after the bank holiday to be referred to a breast clinic. 

    I am just hoping I will get an appointment sooner rather than later. As the waiting around not knowing is just terrible. 

    Do you know anyone who has had the same symptoms as me?

    thank you 

  • Hi tinkerbell13

    Sorry to hear what you are going through but I can only reiterate what woollylamb has said. I remember feeling pains in my shoulder and shoulder blade and convincing myself it had spread into my bones and liver but it hadn’t. Do as WL has said do not google although I know it is easier said than done x   The waiting is hard as our minds become over active and imagine every bad case scenario. 

    Please let us all know how Tuesday goes.

    take care x 

  • Thank you so much for your reply. 

    Can I please ask you if you had similar symptoms to me? 

    Did you have thickening of breast tissue and a swollen breast on the same side? 

    I am so worried I am making myself sick. 

    Thank you 

  • Hi tinkerbell13

    i didn’t have those symptoms no but rest assured you are not alone with how you are currently thinking in your situation. Not every symptom with the beasts means it is cancer related. The only thing I can suggest which is easier said than done is to stay off doc google and try and carry on as normal. 

    The lovely ladies on here are only a keyboard message away if you need to ask questions X

  • Hi Tinkerbell13 , 

    i am sorry that you find yourself on here but I have to say I’ve had amazing support and advice from all the lovely ladies in this club !!

    Yes the waiting part is the worst , have they given you an appointment for mammogram/ ultrasound? Your mind will go through every worst thought and every ache and pain you will have convinced yourself it has spread . I too went through all the emotions that you are going through. I stupidly looked up google ( worst thing ever) and I felt even worse . 

    I was told so many times that you have to be positive you just have to keep thinking positive thoughts . 

    I truly hope that everything works out well for you . I’m here anytime if you need to chat . 

    Please keep in touch. 

    Take care 

    j xx


  • Good afternoon 

    I have just been to the Breast clinic my gp put me on the 2wk cancer referral 

    I have been having left breast pain which was going into my shoulder down my arm and was getting worse like you I was convinced it was cancer that had spread I was Googling it constantly which convinced me even more 

    I got a quick appointment within 7 days 

    i saw a consultant who checked my breasts then did a mammogram 

    and it's all clear she told me I had some thickening down the side of each breast which would cause a lot of pain and stress would also be a factor I'm a def stress head 

    I am a worrier but it turned out fine so try not to worry I worried for weeks which made it worse 

    I hope you get seen soon and your ok 




  • Hi, 


    I have similar symptoms, ache around right shoulder, occasionally going down into my arm. Right breast feels tender if I press on inner side and top of it and the last week I noticed right breast felt firmer than left. 

    I've had a lot going on last few months but then with this added as extra I've been a mess, now thinking the worse and keep tearing up but trying to hold it together for family/work.

    I'm on a 2ww breast clinic too.


    Jojo123456 glad yours was all ok

    Tinkerbell13 I hope all was ok with you? 

    Kind regards 

  • Good morning I’m sorry to hear how your feeling and I hope your worries come to an end soon and you get seen ASAP It’s normal how your feeling I was the same but all I can say is I was the same and had the same symptoms as you and I can’t believe how stress can cause pain because since I got the all clear I’ve had no pain. I hope you get your app soon it maybe already have it I’m sure it will be ok Take care Jo
  • Thank you for your reply.


    I really do hope that's all it is xx