The feeling neglected phase after treatment finishes.

Hi everyone,

A few day ago I was speaking to a retired wood club member who was feeling very low. He is still on hormone therapy and has recently finnished radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer (37 sessions) Allthough things look good for him, he was saying he now feels negeleted by the NHS as his next appiontment is six months away. I explained to him this is a natural reaction and a lot of people feel this way. I told him, your life was taken over by treatments and appiontments but you now have you life back and things are much quieter now and less frantic. His psa is now quite low so he doesnt have to worry about this now and so I told him to get on and enjoy his life.

He seemed much cheered up by this. I told him I was surprised he had not been told of this Neglected phase as it is well known by the NHS. I told him about this forum and he seemed luke warm until I told him I felt like he did about chat rooms until I found this site by accident.and the great friends I have since joining here. As he lives on his own, it would give him somewhere to talk to others.

As I expect others on here may feel the same, I thought I would start a new thread about this in the hope it may help others suffering the same feelings, Brian.

  • Hi Brian, opening this thread is an excellent idea because I'm sure there are several people who feel left out when they get a reprieve from hospital apts. and treatments, especially in the early months after diagnosis and treatments end. I think that may be partly due to the shock of having been diagnosed with cancer and the fear that goes along with that. It takes some adjustment to living with cancer and reassurance helps to reduce some of that anxiety. Once we come to terms with the fact that in between the scans, treatments, etc. we do get to "have a life", it is less stressful. Coming to terms with the diagnosis is difficult, especially when we often don't know what the future holds for us and it can be a very scary time. Most of us do learn to roll with the punches so to speak, and treasure the down times we have that we're not  spending half of our life at the hospital, or recuperating from surgeries or treatments at home. It does take time to get to that point however, and some support and reassurance can certainly help, so yes, a thread like this will help.

    You're always thinking Brian, and your thinking usually does lead to good things happening. Thanks for doing this. You're explanation to your friend there was excellent too and I'm sure gave him some reassurance.


  • Hi Lorraine,

    Thank you once again for your kind words. I hope you are okay. You are a very brave lady and one who is always there to help others. I often see your name crop up giving comfort to newcomers and allthough we dont often speak, I always read your posts for I know they are well written.

    Take care my friend, sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian.