The Challenges of Life

Hi everyone,

One of the things I have learnt during the past few years, is life is always setting us challenges. I am not talking about the smaller everyday challenges we all face, like should we get up out of bed when it's cold outside and we are wrapped up in our warm bed, but the major challenge's we all face from time to time that really test who and what we are. Like when someone we love is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease like cancer, or maybe when we are diagnosed ourselves. For it presents us with multiple challenges all at once which not only affect us, but our family and loved ones as well. How we react and what we say can often make a tremendous difference, for often the challenge of cancer means we are not able to think straight. It turns our lives upside down and inside out and causes us and our loved ones pain like we have never felt before. We are often faced with the challenge of living a life that will never be the same again, often for us and our loved ones.

We are also set challenges when someone new posts on here, asking for help and we dont know at times what to say, for often we have no knowlege of that persons question. I didnt respond to someone on here the other day, leading this person to feel no one cared, and this has made me feel very guilty. So many people facing cancer feel so alone and scared for the future and often just a few kinds words can make such a big differnce to them.

One thing's for sure, those challenges are not going to go away, but it's how we react to them and rise to the challenges that life set us, that make us who and what we are.

Please take care, Brian


  • Brian,

    You are so right in what you say. There are small challanges and large challanges in life and how we respond to them makes us the people we are. When I first posted on here I was really worried in case no one responded, but fortuneately for me a nice chap called Brian responded and that was so reassuring. Other kind people responded afterwards and that was also wonderful. Like you I felt a certain amount of guilt to the lady in the case you refer to. I had read her post a while ago and indeed intended to respond. Unfortuneately other large challanges in my own personnal and proffessional life made this week a busy week for me and meant I never got back to her until this morning. However I think we are both possibly wrong for feeling guilty, because we are not the overseeers of this site and we don't know at any one time whether someone else intends to respond. We can only do our best. Like you I keep coming on here to give something back for the kindness I received but I don't stay up late at night as I used to. I am now getting back to full work mode in the next 2 weeks. So things are changing for me. I will still come on and listen and help where I can but it will be when I can. But as I said to the lady concerned I will follow Brians ways of at least saying hello even if I cannot help.

      Best wishes and have a lovely Easter Brian, Annabel.

  • Hi Annabel,

    Thanks as always for your kind and lovely reply. I read you are hoping to get back to work so I hope that means you are feeling better now, and hope that things will keep improving for you for you are a very kind person. Please take care and I wish you a very happy Easter.

    Best wishes, Brian

  • Hi folks

    Just though I would add to this old thread.

    The challenge that life sets us may change over the years but it never goes away for new challenges are always appearing. There are many people on here like Max and Meerkat and many other besides who seem to be constantly bombarded with challenges. My reason for adding to this thread is simply to say that despite all the challenges they face, they still keep fighting and also still find time to help and support many others including me.

    So may I say a collective GREAT BIG THANK YOU to you all. I am sending great big hugs and best wishes to you all, Brian


    My dear Brian and Annabel ...... I was worried to read this thread and see that you were both feeling guilty for not answering a new forum member.  I cannot find the post you refer to and, having spent most of the week offline, do not recall such a thread.  I am so sad that either of you would feel responsible for causing anyone here further anguish because I can honestly say that you are both lovely people who go above and beyond to help others - as are so many people on the forum who are not only going through their own personal journeys but trying to keep their families happy and together too.  PLEASE never ever feel guilty, you cannot take the worries of the world on your shoulders, none of us can.  You have both learned the hard way how precious life is and are very special people.  Much love as always x

  • Hi Max,

    Thank you for the reply especially when you have been feeling ill re the new chemo. The reason you couldnt find the post is because it was way back in March 2013. I take onboard what you say but the thing was Max, I did read the persons post and didnt respond straight away meaning to do it later but clean forgot. Thats why I felt guilty as for some people it takes corouge to post on a site like this for they may never have done anything like it before and to then not get a reply, may make them feel no one cares.

    But these days we have so many terrific people on here,  and with the moderatoers help I am pleased to say  most people seem to get a response fairly quickly these days which has to be good.

    Max, Thank you so much for taking the time to respond especially as you have had such a bad week. It just goes to show what a wonderful caring and amazing lady you are. Please take care of yourself and give Alfie a special pat for me, Brian.

  • Alfie well and truly patted and is now asleep.  I can see now that the posts were not recent and am so glad as I didn't want you to both worry unnecessarily. I do understand what you say Brian and admit that it meant so much to me when you were the first person to answer my very first post 2yrs ago-  my FFB - first forum buddy! What would we do without you x

  • Hi Max and Brian

    Just seen this thread whilst browsing (waiting for builder to arrive to begin on a new back wall to replace ramshackle fencing which gives me open access to service road at present - not ideal). Just really wanted to echo both you and Brian's feelings about this forum. I really do not know where I would be today without the support/advice/friendship I have received from a wonderful group of people. I cannot (and would not) presume to understand how cancer changes people, having only 'looked on' for nearly three years but thank you from the bottom of my heart for enabling me to cope during difficult days and can do no more that admire from a virtual distance how you manage.  Wishing you and all those who may be reading this a peaceful day.Jules xx

    ps. my current pathetic challenge in life is a landline that shows no fault but is as noisy as hell and giving me interrupted 'net' access and no current remedy in sight  grrrrrrrrrrrrr (in the scheme of things frankly minor I know).


    Hi Jules .......... I hope your builder turned up today and you can get your landline sorted.  Also hope you are now settled back into work and enjoying the banter of your work colleagues.  Having worked with around 70 ladies until I had to leave through illhealth - I miss the daily gossip tremendously and try to pop in a couple of times a month to catch up haha! 

    You are right that we are very lucky to be part of such a good group of people here on CC - long may we continue to help each other.  Take care Jules and always here for you x

  • Hi Max

    Am playing catch up. Landline finally fixed (fingers and everything else crossed at this point) at third engineer call out.  Better late than never and the ones today were lovely and thankfully despite initial doubts by BT it was an outside fault (no cost to me) as when he went up the pole, the necessary wire fell apart in his hands!!!

    New garden back wall all done too so when the weather allows can start to think about training some plants up it.  Not nice today to am keeping toasty in front of the fire, having dropped some goodies off to the local charity shop (and filled a couple of bags for collection too).

    Am on annual leave until end of next week and so far have no had a whole day to myself with so many appointments arranged.  Still not complaining as its good to get things sorted one way or another.  Eye test on Monday (praying for the no change scenario) and then it will be visit to Mum again.  Time does seem to be running away with me at present.  Like you I used to enjoy the work place banter but now with cutbacks on the shop floor I usually work alone (going out for a coffee on Monday with my friend who I used work the same shift with - she now starts as I finish).  My poor customers now have to put up with me chatting (when there is no queue).

    Hope you are feeling more like yourself following the chemo reactions and wishing you a peaceful week ahead.  Take care lovely lady.  hugs Jules x