Thc/ cbd oil and chemo


im just wondering if anyone has or knows anyone who has used thc or cbd oil while undergoing chemo, does it interact with the chemo? Or can treatment be stopped if there are suspected in bloods? Just looking for some additional information ...and hope..

any feedback would be appreciated.


    Hi Roco,

    I'm afraid that most of us here have no medical training, as we are mostly cancer patients. The best person to answer your question is your surgeon, as he has examined you, has a copy of your medical history and knows what your general health is like. There are many different types of chemo, so some may intereact with the CBD oil. He will know what type of chemo he plans to give you, so this makes him the best person to advise you.

    I was taking some alternative tablets when I was first diagnosed and was immediately advised by my surgeon to stop taking these due to the interaction they have with alopathic medicine.

    I hope that your chemo goes well and that you get a satisfactory answer from your surgeon.We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you jolamine and Rocco, I’m new to this site, I had a colonoscopy a CT scan and will have a MRI on Thursday and meet a surgeon next Tuesday, things are happening real fast, no one wants to come out and say I got the big C but it’s not looking good, I’m worried, they say it’s suspected cancer, there’s a tumour in my rectum, I have all the symptoms of cancer, first of all I’m praying for you both, I’m hoping you will help me with a couple questions, I’m so fatigue all the time now and in allot of pain, who will I be meeting with on Tuesday? Will it just be a surgical doctor or will it be a few more doctors if it is cancer? I’m hoping they will have a plan for me and I guess they will tell me what stage my cancer will be at, because I have no energy will they prescribe me something? Vitamins, blood  or something? Idk, will they also help me with the pain right there or just talk to me and kick me out, the last thing is chemo, do use stay right in the hospital while going on with this chemo or do you get to go home, I know the doctors will tell me everything but waiting for Tuesday is like years away, we’ll you both take care and I’m going to read as much posts and learn as much as I can, all night I guess, I can’t sleep anyhow, 

  • Hi Lavalleej,

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I don't really know the protocol for rectal cancer. I am a breast cancer lady. Most cancers seem to follow a similar pattern. On the first hospital visit, there is usually a physical examination, followed by some tests. By the sounds of things, you have already had some of the tests and will possibly get the results of these when you see your surgeon.

    After your surgeon gets your results and before he sees you again, he will discuss your case with his MDT (multidisciplinary team) at his weekly MDT meeting. In doing this, he will usually have a care plan in place to discuss with you. It will usually only be your surgeon you see and possibly he will have a nurse with him.

    The tiredness and lack of energy is a common problem and one that I haven't managed to overcome in the 8 years that I have been fighting cancer. Admittedly, I have had 2 bouts, so this may be partly to blame for my exhaustion. I find that you just have to give in to your body and have a nap when necessary.

    If you tell your surgeon how you feel and ask if there is anything he can do, he may prescribe something to help you, particularly for the pain.

    I haven't had chemo. As far as I know, you can attend as an outpatient, although there are times when you might need to be hospitalised if you have a bad reaction to it.

    This is always a scary time waiting for results and a treatment plan. You will feel a little better as you move on to treatment.

    I hope that all goes well with your MRI on Thursday and that you get all the answers you need on Tuesday.

    It is always a good idea to take somebody with you to your appointments if you can. Also it is worth drawing up a list of questions for your surgeon before each consultation. I take 2 copies of questions and give my hubby one. He then writes down the answers, while I ask the questions. Your surgeon will not be at all surprized by this, as we retain so little of these consultations after we have left the hospital.

    I shall be thinking of you next Tuesday.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you Jolimine, yes, your answering helped me, I read some posts that people’s symptoms have only been a few weeks, now there seeking information if it’s a early stage? My symptoms I can trace back 5 years, 3 years the worst, my doctors said it was arthritis in the lower spine. So I’ll post my outcome next week, hope it will answer some questions, you take care Jolomine , your in my prayers, 


    Hi Lavalleej,

    A  lot depends upon the type of cancer you have, what type it is, what grade it is and how aggressive a form of cancer it is.

    Let's hope that it's not too aggressive.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine and lavalleej,

    thank you both for sharing your stories.

    Thinking of ye and wish ye all the best x

  • Hi roco

    I only just been told I got cancer in waiting for letter to come see surgen was like bomb going off wen I was told had few days head in a tizz but I have been praying to god he as eased my mind quite abiti will pray and ask him help you lets hope he will heal you

  • Hi John1952

    yes I believe in the power of prayer and the hope it can give. Hope all goes well for you and you stay strong x

  • Self injecting chemo every 14 days, i have back ache does cbd oil help in relieving this pain or is it advisable not to take this cbd oil 

  • As there hasn't been a post on this discussion in almost 2 years I just thought I'd pop on to say hello and welcome you to the forum Tony.

    Althought CBD oil may relieve pain we would always recommend speaking to your medical team first, especially as you're having chemo as it may interact with the CBD.

    If you'd like to find out more about the effects of cannabinoids then do give our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m as they're very knowledgeable in this area. 

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator