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THC, Chemo and Steroid Combo

Hi - I was wondering if anyone has experience of having chemotherapy with THC?

I’m aware that the steroids (that are often given alongside chemo) and THC together can have ‘horrible’side-effects - it would be great to hear from someone who has tried this to hear about what these side-effects might entail.

Has anyone foregone the steroids that are given alongside chemo? If so, how did that go?

Id be incredibly grateful to hear of your experiences.

Many Thanks 

  • Hi CStuff and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm not sure if you're aware but cannabis oil containing THC is illegal in the UK without a prescription and is currently only available on a case by case basis for those with epilepsy. You can read more about this on the NHS website just here.

    Any alternative therapies being considered should really be discussed with a medical professional first as it may interfere with any conventional treatment that is being carried out and possibly cause side effects as well so do be sure to have a chat with your team about this when you get the chance.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator