That's the new chemo started - Carboplatin

Had my Herceptin and Perjeta on Tuesday.  They nearly postponed it as my neutrophils were down, sure enough as the day went on my head was pounding (couldn't open my eyes) and I was really shivery.  Think I had a short-lived head cold as I'd been feeling not quite right over the weekend but assumed it to be a migraine aura.  Still, got a good sleep and felt a fair bit better on Wednesday for the Carboplatin infusion.

My port-a-cath should be fitted before cycle 2 all being well, glad about that now as even micropore is causing my eczema to flare up now so the fewer cannulas with sticky stuff around them the better.

Going to see GP this afternoon as I forgot to ask oncologist for sick note, so that will be £42 due to my stupidity!  Don't feel bad but worried at how many people get diarrhoea with Carboplatin.  For me to get to the toilet at work requires going down 4 flights of stairs, then 4 floors on a lift and then swiping through 2 security doors.  Seems quick when you're doing it normally but definitely not quick enough for a case of diarrhoea.  I know it's silly but I just don't want to have that happen at work and people have to clean it up etc.  And my colleagues would have to stay in the room and continue as if nothing had happened since planes would still be coming in and out.  We have no opening windows for security reasons either.  Note to self: air traffic not a good place to work when undergoing chemotherapy :D  I've started researching adult nappies as I might wear them for a while just in case, but it got me thinking "what has my life become?" :D

Anyhoos, better get some lunch and get back out in the field for some 10k training.  Bit dull going round the same small piece of land but I guess I'm lucky the in-laws have a small field next to their house as I don't want to be running any distance away from a house I know, and it's toilets!

  • Still can't believe your up to running, I can do it in my head but not my feet..not yet anyway...I am a week post chemo and have turned a corner.....everything seems to be on the up...ready for my next bout in two weeks...

    keep trucking girlie.....and adult pants may just be the answer xxxx