Testicular Cancer, Lump that's sometimes felt and others not

Hey there,

Some BG info: Male, Age 23. WARNING: Long Post. Added as much detail as I can. TLRD at the end.

So on Wednesday (12/09/2019). I was for some reason having a rummage around me testicles as I was about to uhh take a leak. To my horror, I found what seemed to be a small, (like almost slightly bigger than the tip of a rice grain), hard lump on my right testicle near the Epididymus (sp?). I found this when examining the right testing with my left hand. (this is relevant, I assure you). I attempted to test with my right hand because why not right? Nothing. Couldn't find anything. Which really, really confused me.

So I took a shower just to see whether or not it was the skin just being bunched (it was rather cold tbh..) in the hopes the hot water (like, really Hot, love me a hot shower hehe) would help get it too loosen up so I can have a good feel of things. I found it difficult to find it. But I knew it was there. I'd felt it earllier outside the shower and had a good full around the area. Still no luck.

So. Out of shower, dried. Etc etc. Went to bed with the promise that I'd call me GP for an appointment. I'm too stubborn to let something like this go. 

Wake up in morning, about to have another shower and to my immediate horror, feel the same lump. Same size. Same location. Using the same left hand. Nothing with right tho... Have another shower and again, attempt to find it. No such luck.

So I called GP and they offer me an appointment for the Friday (the next day). Unfortunately (and I wish I didn't), I asked for an appointment for the next week on Wednesday (19/09/2018). Mainly because I wasn't sure whether my employer would allow me the half day/ day off. (I've since found out that for Docs appointments that were made in an emergency or for some urgent reason, I actually only need a a half days notice if I feel its that important - I love my employer, really do).

Since then, I've beside myself with stress. Only going to the Gym has been able to put me mind at rest temporarily. I did call 111 for help (I really needed someone to talk to tbh.. I don't want to tell me family because it'd worry em needlessly and the same for my mates) to see if theres a walk-in centre or some sort of drop in that I can go to. Got a callback from a lovely dude from the NHS and considering I've had 0 other symptoms, he didn't seem all that worried (although he did recommend I ensure I attended the appointment come Wednesday).

So yea.. I've no idea what it is. I just wish it wasn't there so I could get on with my life and my plans!

With regards to this appointment on Wednesday, would it be wrong of me to request an Ultrasound irregardless of whether or not me GP finds something? Again, due to the nature of said lump; it's very umm intermittent :confused:

How much would an Ultrasound cost? I've been told theres up to a 3 week wait time if the GP doesn't consider it too serious. If need be, I've the funds to get one done privately. The longer I wait, the more I'll worry and that's not something that I wanna the people around me through. With regards to my health, money isn't my main priority.

If you've read through that wall of text then I commend you and I wish all the best. 


Thanks you again


TLDR: Found tiny lump just a bit larger than the head of a rice grain on right testicle with left hand. Can't find it with right hand. Can only find it in a colder setting.

  • Hi Umali

    I'm sorry to hear that you have found a lump on your testicle but it's really positive that you have made the appointment with the GP to get it checked.

    Many of our members have gone through the waiting process themselves and recently I noticed a similar post from [@one_more_name]‍  who sounds like he would be good to talk to.  In the meantime, you might find this information from the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) helpful to read, click here 

    |f you prefer to talk it through with someone you could ring our specialist helpline nurses.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best of luck with your appointment

    Moderator Sarah

  • Good afternoon Sarah,

    Thank you ever so much for getting back to me! Good hearing from you :)

    I appreciate you popping us that link to both @one_more_name's post and the link to BAUS! It's been a massive help. 

    I've my appointment today in about 3 hours (give or take a 20 minutes or two haha..) so eagerly waiting to see what they say. Think I'll ask for an Ultrasound irregardless. Most likely private aswell so I can finally put my mind at rest.

    I'll keep this post updated with what me Doc says and what have you. 


    Umali :)

  • Thanks for the update and good luck this afternoon!

  • Hi Sarah,

    Just got back and I've been given the all-clear by the doc!! He couldnt find anything but told me he was going to book me in for an Ultrasound irregardless just to be extra sure. 

    At the moment, I'm content. Doctor was rather abrupt with me but considering it was 4:20pm, I'm not exactly an easy person to talk to that late in day either haha!

    Thank you ever so much Sarah. You've been a massive help :)



  • Hi umail. That's good news. No doubt the ultrasound is simply a case of making doubly sure.

    I've had recurrent testicular pain and occasional epidydimitis for a few years. My doctor could find nothing wrong but wanted me to have an ultrasound. It took about 15-20 minutes, with maybe 5 minutes spent on the actual scan, and found nothing wrong.  I'm sure your ultrasound will go as smoothly as mine. 

    Best wishes

  • Hi [@telemando]‍ 

    That's what I thought aswell. The Doctor certainly didn't seem all that concerned. How long did it take for you to get the confirmation for the scan (the letter/ communication) if you don't mind us asking?

    But yeah. It is good news. Was really, really worried for past week. 

    I am sorry to hear all the pain you went through. Any pain in or near your genitals is always that much worse due to where it is and what it could mean :(

    I hope you are well and I wish you all the luck with you health in the future.



  • My scan wasn't urgent so I wasn't referred on a two week pathway.  I had a routine referral and I think I waited 4 or 6 weeks for the scan.  

  • That makes sense! well.. I just managed to find the lump again. So... yay? It's not grown at all though which is weird as heck. I can only feel it come to think when I rub the area over repeatedly.


    Good Lord. What's happening haha..

  • What's happening?

    Most likely it is just a normal part of your naughty bits - but you're worried and it makes sense to have a scan. 

    Unfortunately, humans don't come with a manufacturer's handbook, which is a great pity! :-)

  • Oh man. You could be right. Either way, it got me somewhat worried but it is what it is I guess.

    Can you imagine? Being given a little book once a year on your birthday with updated information on your body and what you can expect for the coming year? I'd love that haha!