Terrified about symptoms

Hi, I'm a 42 yr old woman with spotting midcycle Jan, Feb, Mar last year. I either didn't notice or nothing happened for the rest of the year, as I was looking after my dad who was dying. It's come back Jan, Feb, Mar this year. Periods normal and on time. I'm obese, have had issues with my weight for years, I have mental health issues. Terrified I've got womb cancer etc, appt with doctor tomorrow 

  • Hello PrincessNanami

    I noticed that from your post that you were due to see your Dr yesterday. How did you get on at the appointment? 

    If there's anything you'd like to talk to one of our nurses about then you're welcome to call them after the Easter weekend. They are available on 0808 800 4040 (normal office hours Mon-Fri 9am -5pm). 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi looking back through my calender I had this Jan, Feb, Mar 2019, literally one smear.

    This year in Jan, nothing Feb, nothing Mar and this now which has stopped. All at ovulation. 

    Doctor examined me and said she couldn't feel anything. I tried to phone for a scan but they are not doing any due to coronavirus. 

    I know this is cancer and I'm going to die, the doctor wasn't concerned and she is a good doctor.