Terminal Pancreatic Cancer

 My mums health deteriorated rapidly and within a week she was in a profile bed with carers coming in 4 times a day. We were told she was end of life so we put all the care plans in place and i came out of work to care for her 24/7. But after that rapid decline she seems to have just plateaued and 6 wks later she is still with us battling on. She eats and drinks very little and sleeps most of the time but can still take her own medication . Has anyone else experienced this ? 

  • Hi there ...

    I've heard this a few times .. there was one on here I remember reading ... his family were called in to say good bye to him on two occasions ... and yet a couple of days later went back home ... never did say how long he held on for .. but it just shows us we never really know .. some hold on a lot longer ... some go quicker ... it's just taking each day and rolling with it ... 

    When I worked in a care home, and one little lady was only having sips of water .. so end of shift, I went and held her hand and thought I'd not see her again as I had 3 days off .. when I went back, she was sitting up eating and drinking ... but the old chap a couple of rooms down who was sprightly and looked fine had gone ...  

    Hold on in there ... you'll look back one day and be really proud of what your doing ... chrissie x

  • Hi Gail

    my mum has terminal pancreatic cancer as well and We’re  going through the same thing. She doesnt eat now and drinks little, she can take oral medicine though and is also on a syringe driver now and has been for about a month. She has had pneumonia and a blood clot on her lung and I’ve said my good byes to her three times now over some very long upsetting nights, but she’s still going! Every time she suddenly comes back from deaths door and sits up and asks for a cup of tea! It’s a double edged sword really, on the one hand I’m so relieved that she’s still here but on the other I don’t want her to go on in this state, and I have huge anxiety about having to say goodbye again and wondering what awful thing is going to happen to her next. 

    Shes currently in a wonderful hospice and it looks like she’ll be coming home soon with a care package. And so the rollercoaster continues. 

    I just keep putting one step in front of the other and try not to look too far ahead. There is so much uncertainty and so many ups and downs it’s truly an awful rollercoaster to be on.