terminal cancer

My mum has had terminal cancer for 6 years 8 weeks ago all treatment was stopped and now palliative care only.

She now has slight jaundice breathless and really swollen feet.

How long do you think it will be?

  • So sorry to hear about your mum.  I think you will find that there is no hard and fast rule but please talk to your mum's doctor who can give you a better idea of what s/he thinks.  When a family friend was having palliative care at home last year we asked the same question as we had a holiday booked.    They said they could not give a definitive answer; some people would continue for many weeks; others would leave us sooner rather than later and there was no way of knowing who would do what.  To cut a long story short we decided to take our holiday as our friend's close family were in constant attendance.  The friend died just before we returned home.  Similarly when my son's father had lung cancer my son flew in from New Zealand and telephoned his father who sounded alert and arranged to travel to visit him the next day.  His father died that night.  Just no way of knowing.  This is a very sad and difficult time for you; my best wishes.

  • My apologies for posting Annieliz. I meant to reply directly to Tracy but it's so sad that we all share the loss or imminent loss of our loved ones at this time of year. C x

  • So sorry to hear about your mum. My 80 year old mum was diagnosed in September with terminal lung cancer which had spread extensively to other organs and to her bones. We were told there was no treatment she could have and she would receive palliative care. The prognosis mum was given was "weeks rather than months" but here we are in December one week away from Christmas and mum is still with us. This Christmas although incredibly sad is a precious gift we didn't think we would have.

  • So sorry to hear about your mum. My dad passed away from it in 2006. My nan also passed away from it, my mother is a cancer survivor and my sister is now currently battling it. Usually they start having a rattling chest and acting delusional. They pick at things with their fingers.. thats when you know its the end.. they start to act different and see things and say things that doesnt make sense. I feel so sorry for you it really breaks my heart. Ive seen so many people with cancer my partners grandad also passed away with it. For the ones who have died they all do the same thing.. picking at blanket or at something.. eyes go glazed over too. Breathing shallow. Heart breaking. Stay strong hun. xxx
  • So sorry to hear about your poor Mum. And also to you with what you'r going through as it is the hardest thing in the world. 

    My Dad died 23rd August this year. 4 months tomorrow to be exact! He had been on chemo 2 years previously but in May this year once the cancer spread to his brain then palliative care came into place. He deteoriated quite quickly and obviously some of his symptoms may have been brain related. Weeks before he died he was quite restless, tugging the bed sheets and moving his feet up and down the bed. He also always had his eyes closed even when awake but that may be down to the brain. He could no longer swallow food without choking so the only option we had was to feed him things like yoghurt etc. Then we had to syringe his fluids into his mouth because he couldn't drink with choking. Then about a week before hand we started moistening his mouth with a wet cloth as drinking through a syringe started becoming difficult for him. Then 3 days before he passed away he had an energy burst where he had his eyes open watching and listening to us and it was great to see him like that. Then the following day he slept all day without wakimg, the same again the next day too. Then on the 3rd day of sleeping I went to see him. I knew immediately he had a matter of only hours. Everyone's different but with my dad he had a high temperature. I always thought people would go cold but thats not true. He was sweating and clammy, so a cool flannel was put in his forehead. His eyes were rolled as if they was half open and a loud rattling gurgling sound was coming from his chest. As soon as this sound starts then death usually occurs within 24 hours. But not everyone has these symptoms. Also I noticed his urine looked like tea. Which is another symptom to look out for! My dad's skin colour also went a light grey.