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Terminal bile duct cancer


looking for anyone who has experience or knowledge about this cancer, my husband who is 45 has just found out recently after becoming jaundice that he had bile duct cancer and advanced and spread to liver, we met oncologist last week and said it was probably stage 3 but he said it can't be removed because of where cancer is! So surgery isn't an option, he then said that it os terminal and prognosis with chemo might give  him 6-12 months!!! I can't get my head round it all!! He is fit and healthy, was never ill apart from jaundice!! Any help would be great i.e. Palliative chemo 


thanks amy 

  • Hi , my brother about 7 weeks ago got poorly and very jaundice.. he was given an ultrasound and told he had gallstones.. they did a procedure and also put a stent in .. sdnt him home same day.. he got poorly again dven worse a week of so later.. ended up rushed in ambulance. They did a ct scan that evening.. they said they found a mass on his liver and would show radiology the next day.. i was at work and got a call from my daughter who was at the hospital with my mum .. he was diognosed with Cancer straight off.. no testing.. they could tell .. it is  cholangiocarcinoma which started in his bile duct and spread to his liver .. theyve said he has weeks/ months left.. this day was 5 weeks ago yesterday.. cant get my head around it ! 

  • Hi Amy My fella (42 yr) just diagnsosed with stomach cancer and found out earlier today it's in his pancreas too. We have two boys (9 & 8 yrs) we haven't told them yet but most of our families know!! It's breaking me but have to keep strong for the four of us! Dont hesitate to contact me. We also waiting of next step
  • Hi 

    im so sorry, from the more I'm finding out this cancer is a nasty!!! It's shocked us with how bad the prognosis is, also because they find it so late, because the only time you know is when jaundice comes!! I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and shocked that they sent him home after they put stent in!!! My husband is home now and we have just got to believe in hope and enjoy everything we had 3 kids so have too xxx

  • Hi,

    yes it's just so awful!! How quick your life can change!! We have 3 kiddies age 12, 10 and 5 that's what makes this whole thing heartbreaking!! We have spoke to our kids and actually was a weight lifted of our shoulders especially the older too!! Worst conversation you could ever have!! And we were all broken, but now there's no more secret conversation and the kids are very open and ask questions!!we have said that never give up on hope, heartbreaking and I'm the same you have to keep going and fight for yours family xxx

  • last january i had this and in feb i had a resection..worked well for 4 mths then i went down hill fast they couldnt find the cancer until they put a stent in and on the way out the brushes take skin cells so 10 days later they said i had billaiy cancer and would have to come of the transpant list and they gave me 2-8 wks to live.... well that was up on the 8th march and i am doing excellent after the stent put in i lost the thick bile and the yellow and itchy skin...and then i researched the american sites for vitamins as England is regulated and only does small doses ..i wanted every high does of the vitamin...since taking them i feel great i have an appitite again and i emailed jane collier who is a world specilist on liver cancer before i got them to see that they wouldn't clash with anything else i was on..she gave the go ahead and i mean they are high doses...i have no reason to believe that they are going to cure this cancer but already it now a very slow growing one i am after longevity now and health and i believe that these have boosted my system so its helps to keep everything running as best as it can and i am not depleted of an vitamins while my body still does the work of try to rid the cancer traci x
  • Hello we have yet to tell our boys who are 9 and 8. They're aware their dads been having scans and stuff and struggling with food sticking in his throat for 6 months but how do you now tell them it's actually cancer 

    my heartbreaks for them although myself I feel strong and perhaps able to cope 

  • Hey, it's the worst conversation your ever have!!! But you know your own children and my older 2 especially my son who is 12 I think needed to know the truth and we were very honest and told them it was cancer!!! We showed them where it was and told them about the treatment!! We have said that the doctors would do everything they can!! We never told them the prognosis though as for us as adults I can't get my head around it!! Let alone children!! But it was the best thing as a family we did!! But everyone is different and your boys are younger!! I'm the same my heart breaks for my 3 kids!! My husband doesn't even look ill, feel ill only when he had jaundice!!! I will believe in hope and we are good at the Moment enjoying family time!! Your not alone this is the worst thing ever to go through!!! Because your the one holding everything together and keeping things normal!! When your future is so uncertain!! Tc xxx
  • I was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma Aug 2017.  Stage 4 inoperable.  I have had 17 chemo therapy sessions.  I am lucky, no pain and I am able to take the chemo with little discomfort.  I would have had more chemo but it has been a little hit and miss the last 6 months due to low platelets.  I am 69, children in 40’s so don’t have the issues that many have.  Wondered how others are doing?

  • Hi bob c my mum diagnosed with same few weeks ago such a shock and mum not coping well with diagnosis. We were told she could try chemo but for all the negative maybe not worth it and left to think about it what a nightmare can you offer any advice
  • Please do tell what vitamins and where to get them.