Tearful after radical hysterectomy

Hi , 

5 weeks ago I had a radical hysterectomy ( I kept my ovaries) . I'm struggling so bad with my emotions , i honestly feel depressed. These 5 weeks been such a struggle after op I was quite poorly and ended up in intensive care , after a week in hospital I came home for 4 days then ended back in hospital for another 10days with sepsis. My husband had the first 3 weeks off but obviously had to go back to work . Since him being at work iv had no help from family or friends , iv literally had to really struggle on with the kids and try and do as much as possible when I know I should of been resting. But I just can't seem to stop crying all the time . Iv never been this tearful for this long . I hurt physically, mentally and emotionally.

since being diagnosed with cervical cancer iv honestly felt so alone and isolated, it's like everyone runs from me as they don't know what to say , my husband has literally been my rock , I just loaded him with so much physically I can't bare to emotionally load him to 

  • Hello Minniemouse80

    I'm so sorry to hear about all that you've been through in the past few weeks. It's not surprising that you're struggling. You have been through an incredible amount - not only the diagnosis and surgery but also everything that followed. 

    Please do speak to your GP about how you're feeling. It's important to get you some support and they will be able to discuss some options with you. Do you have a clinical nurse specialist at the hospital? If so then I'd really encourage you to get in touch with them as well. They will know what psychological support or counselling options may be available to you that the GP may not be able to directly access such as a specialist cancer psychologist. 

    I think as well Minniemouse80 that you should think about talking to your husband. Let him know just how much you're struggling at the moment. Whilst it may be that he's not physically able to take on more things in the home, I'm sure that he will want to support you as much as he can. It may be that he's able to rally friends and family around to give you all some additional support whilst you heal from the traumas that you've experienced. 

    You are also most welcome to give our team of nurses a call. I know that they will be happy to listen and to talk things through with you and that they will be able to offer advice and support. Please do give them a call, they're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I know that at the moment it feels like you're alone in dealing with all of this. Keep in touch with us here on the forum if it helps to offload things into a safe space and we'll do our best to support you through this difficult time. 

    Sending my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator