Tantalum markers & Proton beam therapy

Hi, I have just had tanatalum markers fitted 3 days ago for a Choiroidal melanoma is my eye in preparation for Proton Beam therapy treatment in December and was wondering if anyone has undergone the same treatment? I am looking for advice and a friendly chat as I am very anxious about the whole process.



  • Welcome to the forum Bob although I'm sorry for the reason you find yourself with us.

    I know you're feeling a bit anxious about what's to come so I've had a quick look through the forum for you and found [@Rob50]‍. They had similar treatment to yourself and now that I've mentioned him in this post he'll hopefully be along soon to share his experience and advice.

    I'm also going to include a link to a discussion from last year where two other members were discussing their journeys of the treatment you've mentioned above. I don't think either of them have been on the forum lately but there's no harm in trying to reach out to them. Fingers crossed they'll come back for a chat.

    I hope this helps and I wish you all the best for your treatment in December.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • When you had the markers in did it feel like there was something sharp in your eye to begin with?

    I had my markers in 2 days ago and still feeling very apprehensive! 


  • Hi Mazzer.

    Yes you are right it does feel like there is something sharp in your eye, in my case and I would think yours too there are stitches (dissolvable) on your eye, mine was just above my iris and below under my eyelid, could hardly see them and they did take a few weeks to disolve but once they go my eye returned to almost normal. Vision still the same as before op and proton beam. so good luck.


  • How was the Proton therapy? I start mine in February! 

  • How was the Proton therapy? 

  • It really was very easy. I was advised to practice staring at a small spot for 30 seconds with my good eye shut, it does take a bit of practice to not look away. That is all you have to do for the proton beam treatment, you dont feel anything just stare at a pin point of light. You have a mask made of your face with a hole cut in for your eye to be treated. You sit in a chair, like a dentists chair with the mask on, eyelids are taped open so you dont blink then its 30 seconds of staring at a pin light. They put a gauze pad covering over your eye afterwards which you keep on for a few hours as you wouldn't feel if you got anything in your eye due to the eyedrops. The same thing for 5 days in a row. Thats it. The operation is by far the worst bit and you are over that.

    We went over the mersey river & back on the ferry boat one day, went to a nice restaurant the next, went shopping round Liverpool another there is lots to see, so treated it like a holiday. 

  • Hi Bob.

    Hope everything went ok and is still ok.

    I'm very sorry I missed your message not sure how I did that.

    Everything still ok for me although I do still get up every morning and check to see if my eye is still ok.

    Still having Liver scans to make sure the cancer hasn't spread, all good so far and I'm now down to yearly checks so they are relaxing a bit now.

    Hope your treatment went well and you are now in the 6 monthly check routine.



  • Thankyou, that is so helpful!

    It's made me feel a lot better! 

    Suffering a bit with the clips at the moment but I will grin and bear it! 

    Good luck for the future! 


  • Hi Rob, 

    When did you have your treatment ?

    I am 13 months on now and have just started having symptoms of radiation retinopathy, which is a bit concerning. Have you experienced similar ? I am having mri and eye checks very 6 months at the moment back in Sheffield. 
    Glad your treatment is going well and only having yearly checks. Where are you based ?



  • Hi Bob.

    My proton beam was done in April 2018 and so far I haven't had any other problems other than my eye being a bit sticky in the morning, at the moment all is good. I'm in Stoke on Trent.

    Best wishes.
