Tamoxifen weight gain belly fat

Hi all hope you are all doing well 

has anyone gained weight or had a more round belly since taking tamoxifen I started in nov I am definitely a different shape and size around the middle anyone else had this and any tips thanks in advance for your help .

  • Hi from what I've read it can cause fluid retention but not weight gain as such ,there's a post on here Titled " Tamoxifen has anyone decided not to take the drugs "  the post is from Suziesuz she mentions weight gain and the comments to the post are suggesting weight gain round the middle ,.I hope this helps x

  • Jenny 

    thabks so much I will look at that , hope you are doing well x

    love Lara x 

  • Hi Laraj

    I've been on tamoxifen for over six years now, I've put on some weight and have a belly, I seem stuck at this size/weight  now even though I cycle quite a lot - so I think I keep quite fit but  the belly refuses to budge.

    Hope someone out there can give you a winning tamoxifen belly loss regime!


  • Hi wyll

    Thanks so much for reply I noticed it slightly within a month  but I'm now looking pregnant I'm devastated I've noticed a lot of constipation too , do you suffer this also I feel that it's adding to it x 

    love Lara x 

  • Hi Laraj

    I've found that some brands are constipation inducing others the opposite, I have  probably been through most of the tamoxifen brands, I never get .the same brand for any length of time - It helps,  I guess,  if you can find a brand that gives you less side effects and you're able to stick with that brand. My belly however seems to stay pretty much the same size!.

    All the best

  • Hi wyl


    yes I see this with brands I have found mine deffo as I had bad effects on one pkt but the brand I have I'm happy with great with everything it's only this weight gain and frumpy belly lol I suppose it's minor but can't help lol focus on it I'm sure it will pass .

    thanks for your help and reply ️ best wishes 



    HI Laraj, Jenny and Wyll, 

    I took Tamoxifen for a year then changed to Letrozole for another 5 and a half years. I stopped taking these in 2017 and had gained over 6 stone in that time - the bulk of this was around my middle. Having had 2 bouts of cancer within a year and both knees replaced, I wasn't well enough to diet or exercise at first. However as soon as I felt able, I joined a class at my local sports centre. This was called The Weigh to Go and was funded by the NHS for the first 12 weeks. Here we were weighed every week and had our waists measured every second week. We discussed various foods, looked at calories, discussed choices when eating  at home and eating out, brought in food labels for discussion. This discussion lasted for an hour, then we used the gym for an hour of gentle exercise. 

    For the first time the combination of watching what I ate - not dieting, but eating carefully and exercise, started working. I eventually joined another exercise class, when I felt that I was fit enough to do so. This meant that I was exercising twice a week. I lost 5 and a half stone which, I'm happy to say, has stayed off. That extra half stone is still around my tummy - if anyone has any ideas on how to get rid of this please share.

    In the bigger scheme of things this is pretty minor, but you will get rid of it , eventually.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Jolamine 

    thank you so much for your reply and lots of detail , I need to stop being so greedy too I think I'm just comfort eating through dark months which don't help I'm going to start walking in the evenings soon to try and kickstart 

    I'm so happy you lost that weight well done that's amazing ️

  • HI Laraj,

    Hopefully, not everyone will put on that much weight. I was very tired after having a lumpectomy and then a double mastectomy within a year. I was also less active for a time, after I had both knees replaced. I also had eye problems as a result of treatment. I lost the sight in one eye and was fast losing it in the other. I had to give up driving, which was a real blow. Since then I have had 7 eye operations and feel so fortunate to have my sight restored to 20/20 vision and am back driving again - just as well, as hubby has now had to stop driving for health reasons!

    Winter is always the worst time for weight gain. Don't worry about it for now. Watch what you eat and get walking. Swimming is also good for tightening up those tummy muscles. The important thing is to see your cancer off for good. Do this first and then you can concentrate on your weight.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx