

I was told to stop taking tamoxifen after ten years continuous use. I had a mastectomy lymph node removal  chemo and radiotheraphy ten years ago.

I was given no advice just a letter from hospital saying stop,  am very nervous about recurrence of cancer and side effects from stopping l am 59 and need advice on what to expect .



  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    Hopefully other people who have been in your shoes will jump in and share their experiences with you as I think this will help you as you embark on this next chapter.

    It isn't unusual for people who have taken tamoxifen for so long, to feel anxious when the time comes to stop taking it. Whilst taking a treatment such as tamoxifen people often feel protected and it can act a little bit like a security blanket and there can be a fear that something will happen as soon as it is stopped, but that really isn't the case.

    In the past people took it for 5 years but research showed there was added and should I say maximum benefit for this to be extended to 10 years for most people. Of course there are those who struggle whilst on treatment and despite switching to different types often they are still unable to complete the full 10 years.

    I am aware you can read many stories on line of people having withdrawal side effects ranging from hot sweats, to bladder issues and mood swings but these really do vary from one person to another so it is impossible for anyone to say how you will be, i'm afraid to say.

    It may also be helpful to try and talk this through with your doctor and discuss your concerns with them and see what they suggest.

    Do get back if you have more questions or you are welcome to call the nurses on 0808 800 4040 if you prefer to talk over the phone. We're here Monday-Friday 9-5.

    All the best
