Swollen lymph nodes/glands

Hi all,

I am just wondering if anyone had a similiar experience.

About three months ago, I noticed some swollen lymph nodes/glands underneath my jaw. I have always suffered with them but they never stayed for a long time, they were gone within a week, and I would always have some sort of infection like a coldd, sore throat , runny nose etc. This time is different, there is no symptoms other than extreme tiredness. Anyways, I went to see my doctor , he examined them and advised me that it's nothing serious and has booked me in for a blood test.

He text me this morninng and advised me that my bloods are normal. And now I'm not sure what to do , should I go back to him or just wait it off and see if they go away on their own. Obviously reading google has scared me but then the doctor did say that it was nothing serious (Google also advised me that doctors can be wrong). Also I'm 24 years of age. If anyone had a similiar experience please share it with me.


  • Hi Weronika717 and welcome.

    This issue pops up a lot on the forum so I'm sure other members who have been in this situation will share their experiences with you soon but if you're worried something still isn't quite right then you could try getting a second opinion from a different doctor.

    I hope this helps and you're able to get some peace of mind soon.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator