Swollen lymph nodes


About 7-8 weeks ago I got a lump in the back of my head that was really tender and painful but eventually went away/moved to the right side of my neck. I have a few swollen lymph nodes (2-3 on the right side of my neck, one at the top of my shoulder/collar bone, and now one in my armpit). They started as very painful and tender to the touch but eventually the pain subsided but then came back shortly after, within the 7-8 weeks they have gotten quite big (you can visibly see the growth in my neck when i turn my head), the one on my neck is the size of a thumb. Currently they are very very painful, I use a heating pad on them daily to reduce pain and help with swelling but it doesn't do much. It is hard to turn my neck or sleep, aside from the swollen lymph nodes, I am healthy and a 23 year old female.

I seen a GP and she felt them and also thought swollen lymph nodes, so she sent me for an ultra sound and blood work. Blood work came back fine, and all she said about the ultrasound was "it shows that your lymph nodes are swollen". She said she wants to wait ANOTHER 4 weeks to do another ultrasound and blood work to see if anything changes (I would be at about 12 weeks of dealing with these painful massive lumps). She said I also have the option of doing a biposy where they cut open my neck to see what they are, but she said she would prefer to wait 4 weeks to do another ultrasound and blood work.

Should I get a second opinion from another GP? I felt like she didn't give me the time of day and just pushed it off for another 6 weeks. I am obviously very worried currently, the first small one started in the back of my head then moved to my neck and shoulder and now armpit, they are all very large and swollen, firm and hard to the touch, cant really be moved and have been there for weeks without any real decline in size or swelling. I am worried of cancer of course, although I hope if it was cancer/lymphoma, it would show up in the ultra sound or blood work? 

Looking for some advice, should I wait another month for another ultra sound? Should I get a second opinion? Am I just worrying myself sick? Likely.

I watched a YouTube clip and mine feel like they are attached to a muscle or something, they don't really move at all.. very worried. But i wouldn't say it feels gritty, they feel smooth but hard/dense and almost stuck in place. Does a clear blood test and ultrasound disprove cancer? or is it still possible?

  • Welcome to the forum Haydenrbm although I'm sorry to read what's troubling you.

    Hopefully some of our members will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon but if are thinking about getting a second opinion you can find out how to do this just here. I hope this helps and you're able to get some answers and peace of mind about this soon.

    If you'd like to find out more about blood tests and ultrasounds, our cancer nurses will be available next week on 0808 800 4040 between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator