Swollen lymph node



This may sound silly but to me it's a real worry. I noticed about a week ago a small hard, non-painful lump in the right side of my neck. I instantly rang the doctor's and got a same day appointment. She examined the lump and confirmed it was a lymph node asked if I had been Ill answer to which was no, asked if I had night sweats, same again answer was no. She has told me to keep an eye on the size and if it gets any bigger go straight back or if still there in 3 weeks go back for blood tests and an ultrasound. I am worried sick and it's all I can't think about, because I have not been ill recently and had no infections the only thing I can think of is cancer. I'm only 28 years old. Had anyone had anything similar and what was the outcome? I need my mind put at rest I have 2 daughter's and thinking I have cancer is terrifying me!!!

  • I had something similar about 6 months ago. It went away on its own in about 3 weeks. Try not to worry too much I know it's hard through I was panicking!

  • That's really reassuring to hear, thank you for replying to me and glad it went away for you, fingers crossed I can say the same in a few weeks!

  • Keeping everything crossed for you. Mine popped up again when I had a sore throat - my sister died of cancer at a young age so always very aware of lumps and bumps- been ah the docs this morning with one in my armpit but apparently it's a cyst. A worrying start to the new year all round!

  • Hi, I’m 16 years old and I’m going through something similar as I’ve had problems with my lymph nodes on my jaw swelling, for about 4 weeks my right side has been swollen (size of a pea,is hard, and a wee bit movable) and recently my left side has swelled up. I can’t talk to my parents as I did the first time I noticed the lump and they laughed at me and said I’m lying.


    try not to worry tho as I know someone who lymphoma and is doing amazing. Lymphoma is extremely curable. I know that ur terrified and so am I but try to ignore the anxiety and focus on other things eg.ur kids as it will make the waiting so much easier 

    get a Journal to keep track of any change and update it at night or in the morning (I learnt this when I broke my foot and wasn’t able to dance for 11 months) over all try not to think about anything over necessary.  

    (I know I don’t know much but I hope I help)

  • So sorry to hear about your sister, life can be so cruel


    I have started to get a sore throat today too and now swollen glands, I'm hoping the lump is caused from this. I do need to stop worrying as my partner keeps telling me I'm going to make myself ill (easier said than done) 

    Glad it turned out to be a cyst!! I just want to wake up one morning and for the lump to be gone!!

  • So sorry to hear you are going through this, especially being only 16 and it's sad you can't talk to your parents. Have you been to the doctor's? If so what did they say? My lump hasn't changed in size at all I'm hoping it will just go away like my doctor said would probably happen. Fingers crossed. Always here if you need to talk.


    Take care

  • The lumps are both getting bigger and I have been getting alot of nose bleeds and the lumps are still there and there’s no sign of them going away anytime soon. 

    I wish I could go to the doctors but in Ireland (don’t know what’s it like in the uk)if u want to go to the doctors and don’t have a medical card u have to pay for the appointment (money that I don’t have) 

    mom going to try talk to my parents and tell them that I’m concerned about the lumps and see what happens 

    so any advice on what to tell them, if not wish me luck 

  • Oh really? It's free at anytime to go to see our GP here, that's a difficult situation to be in. Will your parents not pay? I always say never ignore lumps and get them checked as soon as possible. It's better to be safe than sorry. You really need the doctor to examine your lumps and any symptoms you have with them. I have not read anywhere that nose bleeds are linked to lymphoma but I am no doctpr.


    All the best

  • hi just wanted to ask, how is everything going for you? Did you find out what was causing the swollen lymph nodes? Is everything ok?

  • Hey,


    you said you had a cyst in your armpit. 
    has it gone away and had it changed at all?

     Doctors said I have a armpit cyst as I had an ultrasound.  However I'm on my period right now and I've checked the lump and it's bigger than before.