Swollen glands

Hi, I have been diagnosed with overactive thyroid. Cause of this is Graves’ disease, I regularly see my GP and have seen a consultant who told me the cause. Receuhad bloods done for my antibodies and they scone back as abnormal but expected. I have become really paranoid with any changes that I may see or feel and sometimes don’t know if it’s my mind playing tricks. I have noticed that my gland under my jaw is swollen as can feel this and see it’s quite swollen when looking in the mirror. Since being diagnosed in July I have had lymph nodes that my GP has felt and he wasn’t concerned. I am on medication doing a course of what the GP said Block and Replace. Don’t know if there maybe something else underlying or whether it all has something to do with the Graves’ disease. I am seeing GP in a weeks time so will definitely be asking then. 

Just would like a little peace of mind. 

  • Hi Flowers and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry for the worry your swollen glands and lymph nodes are causing but it's good you're going to ask about them when you see your doctor next week.

    We have a lot of posts about this so I'm sure other members in similar situations will pop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    I hope next week goes well and the doctor is able to reassure you and give you the peace of mind you're seeking at this time.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator