Swelling in armpit

Hi, I am due to go to breast clinic on Tuesday as I have been worried about soreness in my left breast. My doctor is sending me to ease my mind but I am terrified something is going to be found. I have had recurrent follicilitis in my armpits since July and currently using antibiotic gel which isn’t helping. On Thursday is noticed what feels like a large ropy lump in my left armpit which has sent me into a spin, not sure if connected to armpit infection but I am so worried. My mam and sister have both had breast cancer (brca2) gene but I was tested 14 years ago and I didn’t have the gene, worrying the test was wrong. My mam died eventually sister battled through but I am no where near as strong, have a young son too. I am 45, just dreading Tuesday.

  • Hi lulu74,

    Tomorrow's appointment is important in getting to the bottom of your symptoms, so I can understand you'd be worried but it's something that has to be done. Make sure you ask all the questions you might have so you feel more informed and assured when you come out of the clinic.

    I hope it goes ok,

    Moderator Anastasia