
I'm  new to this forum, but my husband of almost 23 years died 2 years ago of liver cancer. I've  been to counselling more than once and 2 years on, i still can't  quite accept that he's  gone. He was 21 years older than me, but we were soulmates and i don't  know where to turn next to cope with life without him. I have good friends who listen to me and very u understanding Church friends who have been there before me, but nothing is help I g with this nightmare i wish I could wake up from. Please help me.

  • Welcome to the forum Mysunshine although I'm sorry for your loss.

    Coping with grief is tough but I'm glad you've joined us as you'll find many members who will really understand what you're going through. Many of them have found that even years after their loss that something, out of nowhere, can bring back all those feelings they first felt when their loved one passed away, leaving them feeling like they're back at square one so you are not alone Mysunshine and I'm sure they will be along when they can to offer their support and advice and share their experiences with you.

    One of our new members, Les, is just coming to terms with the loss of his wife. Although he is in the early stages of his grief he was with his wife for 53 years so will understand how tough it is to lose someone you've been with for a large period of your life. If you'd like to chat to him and find out more about his story, just click here.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator