supraclavicular node swollen 7 weeks

Like a lot of others, I have noticed a suddenly slightly swollen right sided supraclavicular node, rubbery, non tender, not huge (only about 1 cm - 1.5 cms but so hard to measure accurately), which is prominent enough to be very obvious to others, and was reassured to read about the many cases of similar node swelling after (particularly) mRNA Covid vaccine. THe trouble is, mine is on the opposite side to the vaccination, anyone else had this? Noticed it was enlarged six weeks after the vaccination so didnt immediatley make any link. 

I went to see the GP, I left it for five weeks in case it resolved, but it is still the same or maybe slightly bigger (though I might be imagining that as I am getting more worried). I have lupus and a neurological condition as well.  I was referred for a chest X ray (which showed nothing abnormal) and bloods (again normal). So I know I shouldn't be worried about it, but that is easier said than done. No night sweats or loss of weight but I have been feeling totally exhausted and wheezy/breathless more than normal. Lots of medics in the family which actually makes it worse, as I see how stretched they are and how busy the hospitals and GP surgeries are. 

And with the increasing evidence coming in about the effects of the vaccines, its so important for the medical notes to show not only the brand and batch number of the vaccine, but also which side it was injected into, which apparently is not automatically recorded. Luckily I know as I specifically asked for it in my non dominant arm. I had my second vaccine recently and it hasnt made any difference to the node. 

I am trying hard not to worry.Im a carer for my disabled daughter and my grandson so lots to keep me busy.  I haven't heard anything back from the GP (got my results by ringing reception) and Im not sure what the next step should be, if any.