Support, new to reaching out.

Hello, I was diagnosed with Ductal carcinoma in situ and have had my left milk ducts removed and surrounding tissue, I'm feeling quite upset about it at the moment, I have lots of well wishers telling me how lucky I am, in the scheme of things loosing part of my breast isn't a big deal. 

I understand I'm lucky and it could have been a lot worse however I'm also feeling quite low, I no its only a part of my breast but I feel like I don't have a right to be upset as it's not as "serious" as other cancers. I don't really no where to turn to for support, I suffer from severe depression already so struggle to talk on the phone so am looking to the Internet, I'm feeling quite alone right now! 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated Jen x

  • Hello Jen, so sorry you are feeling so down at the moment.  Cancer of any kind and its treatment is never a nice experience and does make us feel low and debilitated, but having existing depression on top of that must be horrible.  I can only suggest that you see your GP or contact your oncology team and tell them what you have told us on here.  Alternatively, if there is a McMillan nurse at your hospital I think she will be able to offer some advice, so please don't just accept how you feel, and don't ever feel that you have no right to be upset! 

    I hope you will feel better soon, sending a big hug.

    Hazel xx