Such sad news

I posted some months ago about my husband having Non-Hodgkins lymphoma,  it started in January and he has been through 6 cycles of chemotherapy and reacted well.  Unfortunately the last PET scan picked up on a new area of disease which has grown and now spread.  He was so strong when we were talking to the consultant I was so proud of him,  however, he asked how long she though he had left.  4-6 months........... I was thinking maybe a year which with help would stretch out to 18 months.  But 4-6 months for heavens sake.  He is doing his best to prepare me.  With the practical stuff,  but emotionally I’m a wreck, just for the few minutes whilst watching some rubbish on tv together,  we forget, and live in blissful ignorance.  At the moment he looks really well, and has no symptoms.   How have other people coped with such awful news?

  • Hi Petalgirl,

    I don't have your experience but just wanted to let you know someone had read your post and has you in their thoughts.  It sounds like you are both coping incredibly well despite how hard it must be, and I would say definitely hang on to those quality time moments where you are enjoying TV together and being close.  Some people have long lives together yet never manage to have those fun moments, so while we all naturally long for quantity with our partners the quality is very important.

    Will be keeping you both in my thoughts.


  • Hello Petagirl; sorry you have been given such a nasty jolt.  While you don't have a definite timescale you tend to hope for the best.    Be a bit kind to yourself and think about what is going to be important to you in the coming months. Every person is different so just go along with whatever you and your husband are feeling rather than the textbook prognosis.    I do hope you can continue the happiness you have always had right through to the last possible moment.  Annie