

I found out last week that my dad's cancer was incurable and we have been told he has months to live.

I am very lucky in that where I work is incredibly supportive - they are giving me time off and space when I need it for which I am really grateful.

However - and this is going to sound so selfish - how do you deal with other people at work? People are either treating me like I'm made of glass or avoiding me like I have the plague. I appreciate their support - it means so much to me and I know they don't know what to say - but I just want people to treat me normally

Sorry that sounds so ungrateful but I'm really struggling with my own emotions at the moment  - I'm not dealing with it well at all   - me and my dad are incredibly close and just feel like I need a bit of normality for a few hours where I'm not thinking about him not being here





  • Hi Bugaboo

    Sorry to hear about your dad, I know where your are coming from, I myself am battling with brain cancer 2nd time around, and the thing that gets me while i appericate all the support, the worst is when people are like I'm so sorry and you're so brave, I want to scream at them why are you sorry, what's so bloody brave about having this horrible illness,

    Here is an idea, why don't you plan a day where you spend it with just your dad, take him to his favourtie place to eat, or do some activites he can do this way you can create some good memories and focus on your time together, it will make you feel better.

    Wishing you all the best

