Strained relationship

My boyfriend of 2 years was disganosed with stage 4 gastric cancer with metasis to the bowel in December 2018. I’m 26 he’s 30.

We were both upset and shocked at the diagnosis, I’ve been with him every step of the way since, chemo, appointments, hospital stays, staying up night when he’s unwell, looking after the house, caring for him,  etc. Our relationship has strained. I love him and I’ll do anything for him but I’m no longer happy. Yes we have good days but he mostly takes his bad moods out on me several days during the week. He isn’t like that with anyone else. We don’t do anything together that isn’t to do with his health, any fun social things he does are saved for his friends as he wants to make the most of it. I’m not sure why he wouldn’t want to make the most of the time he as with me too. 

Not one of his friends has been there when he was in hospital or for any chemo etc but they in his head do so much for him and he tells me I don’t do anything. Even going as far to say he doesn’t care if I get upset because he doesn’t care. 

I try and talk things through but he tells me to shut up. It’s hurtful. 

Has anyone else been treated this way caring for a partner with cancer. I keep telling myself he doesn’t mean it but not sure how much longer I can cope. Or am I just being really selfish? I don’t know. 

  • Hi there ...

    Deffinatly not selfish ... cancer is the reason we get angry or sad ... it's NOT an excuse to hurt people who try to help us ...  

    There's one of two reasons for his behaviour that I can see .. one is he's not wanting you to spend your life with someone ill ,and he's wanting for your sake to move on ... so he's trying to push you away ... as some do with those they love ..

    Or sadly, he feels different now, and doesn't know how to tell you .. but I'm sorry .. but it could be either .. but no matter what it is causing it, you do not deserve to be treated like that .. you can be really proud of yourself .. and if he can't see that .. it's his loss ..

    It's a part of life sadly .. that on many occasions people snub those that have always stood by them .. and ended up buddies with those that didn't... think we all expierance that through our lives ..

    I know you must love or care really deeply for him .. but now it's time to look after you ...  and please don't let him take it out on you .. if he starts .. turn your back and walk away ... 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi porshyposh, i don't know why but sometimes pacients try to push partner away they think if you go you won't be so hurt if something goes wrong, we know it doesn't work but some people think like that sometimes it's better not to be to close all the time give him a bit of space, it does not always work, but see if you can think about it, sometimes he. might just want a bit space on his own, hope you can work something out, good luck.
