Stopping tamoxifen


I'm new to the forum. I have been told to stop tamoxifen after taking it for 5 years. I wanted to stay on it but have been told I'm low risk so dont need to take it anymore.

I have been reading about all the side effects people are having and I dont want to stop it!!  I take clonidine for the flushes and I have also just been diagnosed as diabetic.

What are your thoughts on just stopping it?


  • Hi 

    im sure if you spoke to your Oncologist or Breast Cancer Nurse they will put your mind at rest as to why you don’t need to take it any longer? Or maybe they will let you continue if you are afraid by not taking it the breast cancer will come back,I honestly don’t think they would stop it if for one second they weren’t certain but I totally understand your concerns.....

    lm due to start on Tamoxifen,what brand did you take and was it good without too many side effects?

    Much Love Jackie xxc

  • Hi Jackie

    It depended on the brand the chemists had in lol.

    As for side effects, I had hot flushes mainly at night. My oncologist prescribed Clonidine which helps. A lot of women find their periods stopped. Mines didn't and were slightly heavier (I'm 46). It was my safety blanket but my case was discussed at a cancer meeting and they all decided I didn't need to take it anymore.

    I was reading about all the side effects women are having stopping tamoxifen and it sounds horrendous! I suppose I'll just have to do it and see.

    Good luck starting your medication.



  • Hi Aileen,

    im post menopausal but because I have Multiple Sclerosis the Oncologist thought they would give me less pains than Letrazole so hence Tamoxifen!! 

    God its like being addicted to drugs isn’t it if you get side effects from coming off them....can they not reduce them in dosage or one every other day? 

    Good luck and thank you Jackie xx