Stomach pain, spotting & abnormal ‘looking’ cervix!

I've had a dull ache in the right side of my stomach for 8weeks. Last week I started with blood streaked discharge and awful bloating. I went to my GP on the Monday and they had a look with the speculum and took various swabs, the GP got a more specialised GP in to have a look at my cervix as she said she just wanted to check something! 
The second GP entered and they stood together saying it doesn't look normal at all and between 11 & 1 on my cervix it looks very abnormal!! She also said it doesn't look like ectropian (which I've had before)! 
All of my swabs have come back negative for anything and I have been referred for an urgent colposcopy! 
I am worried but as I keep telling myself what will be, will be and there's nothing I can do to change it! 
I have an amazing husband of 15years and two beautiful children so at the age of 31 I am scared but just wanted to know if anyone has had anything similar and what their colposcopy may of shown? 

Thank you in advance x

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm afraid we are unable to tell anyone what the matter may be.  The important thing is that you are being referred to the colposcopy team.

    The next step is to have the colposcopy where they will take a closer look at your cervix and examine the area of concern.

    Hang in there for now and try not to overthink things as they may be a simple and straightforward explanation for your symptoms that isn't serious.

    I’m not sure if anyone else will come along and post, if they do it might not shine much light on what’s going on with you because everyone's situation is different.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything turns out to be okay. Give us a ring if you want to talk any of this over.The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
