stomach cancer symptoms.

Hello to everyone.I am terrified about having cancer.I am due to have the camera job down my throat and endoscopy.I cant eat my meals because of the constant bloated feeling like a brick in my stomach and oesophagus.I have a constant metallic taste in the back of my throat and constant nausea and stretching.I have absolutely no appetite and the thought of even trying to eat makes me wretch.I have been like this for approx 2 weeks now and I cant honestly stand it.My appointment for the cameras is on 6th Dec.and seems I am waiting forever.I am withdrawing from my family and this is upsetting my wife who does all the caring for me on her own.I am 74years old the same age as my dear wife.She keeps telling me to think positive but how can I when I feel like this! I am so locked into my symptoms as that is all I feel all the time the horrible pain in the tummy and oesophagus.I suffer with depression at the best of times but now this has tipped me over the edge.How can I  stop getting locked into this constant horrible unbearable physical feeling in my stomach?I try to go a short walk but all the time the stomach pain is there and it never goes away!I have read all the posts here in the chatroom and sometimes it comforts me to know there are fellow sufferers out there but at other times it totally depresses me and Upsets me more.I sleep for about 2hours at night then wake for about 3 hours trying to nod off listening to relaxing sleep music but it's so difficult to do that because of the pain.I am so locked into my symtoms mentally that I cant function I just want it to stop! Does anyone out there have any advice for me as I am desperate.I have answered other sufferers on the forum offering my best wishes for their way forward but can do nothing for myself I feel so hopeless.

  • Hello Bussy

    I'm sorry to hear that you have some health problems at the moment. It sounds as if they are really impacting on your quality of life and it's understandable that you're feeling worried about what may be causing them. 

    I think most of our members here will know how difficult this period of waiting for tests and results can be. The unknown can be a scary prospect and it's not uncommon for people to think of the worst-case scenario. 

    It can often help to talk to someone about your concerns and fears and so I wonder if you'd benefit from chatting to one of our team of nurses ahead of your appointment. I'm sure they will be able to offer you some advice and support to help you cope. If you'd like to speak to them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your appointment on the 7th brings some answers for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you Jenn that is extremely kind of you and feel very scared about it.I am scared chatting may make me feel worse but I will keep it in my mind and thank you so much for very kind words.Bless you.

  • Hello Bussy,

    Sorry that you are going through such a bad time. I am nearly 78 and two years ago I also had constant stomach pain and had an endoscopy which showed clearly an ulcer. I then went through a CT scan and I was then told by the team that it was cancer and also that stomach cancer wàs generally very treatable. Early last year I had a partial gastrectomy. It has taken me nearly two years to get used to a very reduced size stomach. What I can tell you is that endoscopy, CT scan and stomach operation may sound horrible - but one gets through them - and feel better afterwards. I am still here ! So - do not get so worried - I am sure you will feel much better when you find out what needs to be done if anything. Best wishes for your endoscopy.

    Regards pcd.