Stomach asophagus cancer

Hello I’m new to this site I was wondering what happens next my dad has been diagnosed with junctions asophagus/stomach cancer he’s had chemo and also a trial drug to which nothing has helped he is now not being treated from the hospital feels like he’s just been left to die he’s now lost around 3 stone in weight what he keeps asking me is what next do I just wait to die he is still getting out in his car but is weak and likes to just lie in bed he is not in any pain just wasting away what help will he be offered near the end do we need to speak to his go feeling confused thank you for any responses 

  • Hi,

    Sorry to read about your Dad's situation.

    Has he been given a MacMillan nurse or referred to Maggies or a similar service? If not, you could ask your GP to make an urgent referral. If he has a MacMillan nurse, they would be best placed to advise what services are available in your local area and what options your Dad has for both palliative and end of life care. It may seem too early to start planning end of life care but unless you know what your Dad's preferences are at an early enough stage you might be overtaken by events and have to second guess what he would like.

    Ideally a referral to MacMillan (or similar service) should have been done well before a decision was agreed with him to stop any treatment and his care handed over to a community-based service, but sometimes services aren't as joined up as they should be. 


    Good luck
