Still waiting on results of breast biopsy

Hi all, can I ask if anyone else is still waiting on results longer than 2 weeks? 

I had my biopsy on 29th September and still not heard anything. I chased the hospital on Friday to be told still not ready? Not sure why it is taking so long because the anxiety of the wait is really starting to affect me now... 

Has anyone else waited longer than 2 weeks? 

Sas x

  • HI Sassylil,

    Unfortunately test results are taking a little longer to come back in some areas than others, due to the covid situation.. You should hear soon, but if you h

    You will find that once the results are back, your consultant  will hold one of his/her regular MDT meetings (multidisciplinary team) to discuss your case. You don't usually get your results until this meeting has been held and a decision reached.

    The waiting is awful. Try to keep yourself busy to help the time to pass.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you

    Fingers crossed for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx