Still struggling. Feel like I have nobody to talk to.


My mum has lung cancer in both lung and 3 brain tumours. Currently 5 spine fractures and maybe a rib

Similar to last post but need to get it off my chest. So on the 3rd of August my mum was taken to hospital. I was told that day she has months left. Came home 5 days later and declined. Last week the MacMillan nurse said she thinks weeks now.

I can tell mum is worse with her lungs due to her being breathless more frequently and saying she feels like she has tight bra on which is nipping her (she doesn't wear bras). She's also starting to get slight headaches. Meds have been changed as of today.

Mum is still as normal (before she went in hospital). Apart from the breathlessness. She's still getting up and moving around. She is sleeping a bit more but I can't decide if it's down to the medication or her deteriorating. My mum's a real trooper and I couldn't be prouder. 

But to me it does seem like she's got longer than weeks. But like I said on last post. How many weeks are meant by weeks. Iv read stories about drs being wrong and people living longer than expected. But mums MacMillan nurse has always been truly honest with me and I know she will have seen similar to mum so surely shes right?

  • HI there ... this must all seem overwhelming to you at mo ... we only get one mum and watching them going through this, is one of the hardest things to go through in our lives .. all I can say is treasure every day .. every hug ... every word and share how you feel to to gether ... my mum died with out having time to say good bye and although we both knew how much we loved each other , I wish I'd have had the chance to hold her hand one more time ... 

    My thoughts are with you ... and you are treading a path many have walked and even though that doesn't ease the pain ... we will help and support you if you post how your feeling , when you feel the need to put down your feelings ... big hug xx