Still in shock after ultrasound scan..

Hi everyone,

Thought I would introduce myself..I am a 35 year old mum of 2 and I have had a lot of health issues over the years,which has resulted in numerous operations.

The worst of which was a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy on 4th July last year,which I suffered a lot of complications from,everything was going ok until about 6 weeks ago when I started getting quite a lot of abdominal pain which started to get worse..after my best friend nagging me to go to the doctor,my GP straight away suspected adhesions to be the problem after she examined me.So she referred me for an Ultrasound scan.

I had my Ultrasound scan last Wednesday and was completely blown away by what the radiographer showed wasn't adhesions causing the problems at all..they found around 7 cysts and one of them was large being about the size of a golf ball.

Well I was in total shock and she said she was going to fastrack my results back to the GP and that I had to ring this morning to make an appointment to discuss what happens next..well after waiting for 5 days with allsorts running through my mind,luckily I have a very supportive partner and family to keep me calm,I wasn't happy when I rang the doctors to be told that my doctor couldn't see me for over a week and the receptionist wouldn't give me an emergency appointment.I was told that i would have to wait another 24 hrs and if the doctor got chance she would ring me tomorrow morning.

Well after getting very upset and wound up,and I have been in bed all day today as the pain is so severe..I called back and asked to be put through to the practice manager,at which point they took me seriously and went to have a word with my doctor who agreed that it's not the sort of conversation to have over the telephone,so she has cancelled some appointments for tomorrow to fit me in face to face.

I am worried sick,and my family are too,but I am trying to stay calm as best I can.I really hope it isn't cancer,but I didn't know where else to turn to so I hope you guys don't mind me getting things off my chest one here.

I would be really grateful of any advice if anyone has been through a similar thing.

Karen xx

  • Hi Karen

    My name is Sandra, ive only just registered to cancer chat myself and yours was the first post i came across.I just felt for you

    as ive been in a similar situation. I know its easy to say but try and keep calm until your appointment (easy said) I just know I had 8 months of worry

    and it catches up with you in the end.This could be a number of things not cancer related. Did you not have any mri scans/ ct scans? All i can

    say from experience is you have to take one day at a time and with the help of your suportive family you will get through whatever the outcome .Ive had

    cervical cancer resulting in a radical hysterectomy, which then followed a bad infection cysts 8x10 , worst thing having spent last xmas in hospital but with the help of family and friends

    and my little 4 year old things are starting to get better. No dout you will be bricking yourself tomorrow  luv but take someone with you who can drive you home for suport whatever is said.

    Please let me know how you get on. Sandra xx

  • Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for your words of support..and sorry you have had it tough too.

    Yes I am bricking it for tomorrow,and I was going on my own because my mum doesn't need the stress at the moment but luckily I have a very stubborn best friend who is refusing to let me go on my own,so she is taking me.

    And I will let you know how I get on and thanks again.

    Karen xx

  • Just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow. Xxx

  • Hi Karen

    Waiting for results and appointments is stressful and as you can see, there are people here who know what is like and can offer you a helping hand and are here anytime you need to talk. Good luck for tomorrow and please let us know how you get on.

    Welcome to Cancer Chat,

    Best wishes


  • Hi Ashbygirly

    Nice to meet you. It's great that you can share similar experiences with Karen and hopefully make her feel she's not the only one going through this. 

    Best wishes to you and your family,


  • Thanks for the welcome Jane.

    And yes the waiting is the hardest bit..Hopefully I should know a bit more tomorrow and I will certainly let you know.

    Karen xx

  • Well I thought i would come on here to give an update..

    I saw my consultant on Friday at the hospital..and it went well although I am still a bit in shock from what he said.

    When I had my ultrasound scan apparently the radiographer didnt tell me the real size so not to alarm me..but the specialist said today the largest of the 8 cysts is 8cm x 7cm which was a huge shock and I got rly upset,luckily mum was with me..and there is the other 7 smaller cysts around it.

    They have done the CA125 blood test..and they are holding a MDT meeting about me on Thursday to discuss what happens next.

    They think next on the list will be a CT scan..and then surgery but because of the size of the large will be major surgery AGAIN so I will be out of action for a few months.

    I'm trying to hold it all together but it just seems a bit more to take in now because of the severity of it..and the fact that they are following the procedures as if it is cancer.

    Does anyone have any advice for me.

  • Hi Karen , really pleased to hear from you again I must say I was alittle worryed for not hearing. I'm a bit thick here why are they following procedure as if it was cancer when they know it's cysts?

    Could it still be cancer too? After my operation I had a bad infection which sent me back to hospital turned out I had a cyst that was 10x8cm I was in sooooo much pain from it , but with four days back in hospital on tons of drugs soon got right. Im hoping I'ts straight forward for you to.Again try not to think youve got the big C I'm no nurse but I'm guessing it could be a number of things. Believe me I've never known worry like it , so try and stay positive. Hope that helped slightly. Sandra xx

  • Hi Ashbygirly,

    Thanks for your comments..and I am a bit confused myself too..because the radiologist told me they were cysts and that the largest was the size of a golf ball.

    However when I saw the consultant he said that it hadn't been confirmed that it was cysts..and the real size of the large one was 8cm x 7cm..but I noticed on the CA125 request it said it was for adnexal mass..but everything I am being told by people is that they only hold an MDT meeting if they suspect you have ovarian cancer.

    I have been really bad for the last week..the pain has been absolutely horrendous,I am practically living with my hot water bottle attached to me :-(

    The swelling is there constantly now,I look like I'm about 6 months pregnant and people are starting to come up to me and ask me which is getting really embarrassing  as I end up getting upset.

    And I have also noticed that I constantly feel sick now,and a few times have been sick..I also noticed in the last couple of days out of nowhere all down both my thighs I am covered in unexplained big bruises..which I am wondering if it's part of it.

    I am currently taking 30/500 co-codamol and 50 mg tramadol..but it is that bad that they are wearing off after about 3 need to see if they can give me something stronger.

    I have had a letter with an appointment for 4 May to see the consultant again..which seems ages away the way I am feeling at the moment..and I am keeping my fingers crossed that due to the delay in post because of the bank holiday that I will get a letter in the next couple of days regarding the MDT meeting and ca125 results..or at least with an appointment for the ct scan.

    I will certainly keep you updated if I get any news.

    Thanks again for your support,Love Karen xxx