Still don't know what to expect

My husband has terminal gastric cancer.  We don't think he has very long left, 1 month, 2 months , who knows.  The thing is  neither of us really knows what to expect. The cancer has not metastasized but every day he seems a little bit more tired. His symptoms are reasonably under control, he's just getting progressively weaker.  

Does cancer kill you without metastasis?  If so, jow does that work? Sorry if this sounds weird.  

He was a big, strong  man,  it's horrible watching this slow disintegration.


  • Really sorry to hear about your husband. Horrible is indeed the only word to describe your situation.

    Your doctor can answer questions like this. I am not medically qualified.  I know that cancer cells interfere with normal body functioning. That might affect, for example, the way the body can absorb nutrients. But every cancer is different. Only your doctor can confirm what is happening in your husband's case. 


  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband.

    We lost my mother in law last week just 9 weeks after her (terminal) diagnosis. We thought we had plenty of time and so it was very sudden. Looking back, in the days before we lost her she was confused, agitated and easily frustrated. She was tired. She also struggled with continence and it was almost as if she just was not aware that she needed to/ had gone. Her cancer had metastasized but we lost her because she was not strong enough to bring up secretions that had built up in her lungs up herself. We were told it didn't look good at 6pm and she passed away the next day.

    It is horrific to watch your loved ones grow weaker and the not knowing makes it all the harder. I am sorry you are both going through this.

  • I am so sorry sbout your mother in law. No words. Just sympathy. Xxx

  • I can tell you what happened in my case to my mum, she gradually started to loose strength about 1 year before her death from metastatic breast cancer, several instances of sepsis saw more sharp drops in her well-being but it wasnt until the last 3 weeks of her life that things really went down hill.

    She lost so much strength that she was bed ridden and stopped eating and barely drunk anything. She could not control her bladder and kept wetting bed. I have read that these symptoms are typical of the last few days/weeks of life in cancer. 

    Being able to get up and walk around unassisted probably means there is still more time to go, but no-one can say exactly how long.

  • My Mum is in last few weeks and can barely move. She passed out yesterday, when trying to stand up. She shuffles if she needs to walk and breathing changes as she gets tired. Sleeps heavily. Eats and drinks little. Has swollen feet. But she continues to smile, laugh and be alert. She is sleeping more, and has now got a hospital bed at home. She is anorexic and a shell of her former self. It is so hard to watch the Mum you love, the one constant being in your life, slowly disappear. My heart goes out to anyone going through this. Stay strong. Keep smiling and sharing precious moments and memories x