Stay Stromg

Crikey,  what a long day, off to chemo at 11 am and back home for 4pm.  We are so both bored with this procedure and feel like old hands at it now,  to such an extent that hubby tells me to get a nurse as the chemo isn't going in, I tell him the machine would bleep if it wasn't,  so off I go  looking for a nurse, no one has had lunch and patients are queueing up, she comes down, tells him it is working and would bleep if it wasn't,  I ssid that I ssy, oh thanks for backing me up hubby says.  Hang on have I not been sat here for hours, listening to noisy machines, everyone else's sad stories and making coffee!!  My patience knows no bounds for this cancer,  I am proud I haven't lost  my sense of humour because it is sorely tested! !! Back home, bacon butties big cup of tea and apple pie and All is well in our world again.  Off to Richmond tomorrow to see my family who have not floated away in their Yurt, coffee and cake nd my beautiful grandchildren,  I can't wait. Xx

  • That does sound frustrating Caz but I'm glad to hear your husband's chemo was working and that you haven't lost your sense of humour.

    Did you have a nice time in Richmond with your family the other day? I hope the weather didn't impact too much on your day out.

    I look forward to reading your next update soon.

    Best wishes to you both, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator