Stay Stromg

A little more upbeat this week as hubby is managing to make himself a cup of tea and has actually gone to the golf club to see the other Toffs (don't ask!)  He misses the man chat but really has not even been up to my woman's chat!  Very happy to see family but pleased not staying with us,I think this cancer struggle depletes you in so ,many ways that even shopping for food is such a big chore, chemo,  blood tests and all the other horrible things I can cope with but throw another simple thing like food in for others nd my brain doesn't function.   I can't think about what people want to eat as I am barely cooking for myself all my energies go into making sure my cancer love gets what he needs.  I can understand why people want to hibernate life as we know it is too difficult to deal with, cancer comes first.  We have finally received a,payment from the DWP, good job we weren't relying on it   I can now pay someone to help around the house and garden, saving my depleted reserves for hubby and this black cloud hanging over us.

  • Hi Carol, I am glad to hear you are a bit more upbeat this week and hubby has even managed to go to the golf club. It will be good for both of and as you say getting away from the women chat for a little while.I love to read your posts, I find them a real tonic. I am glad you have got your extra money from DWP, I am sure it will be put to good use and take a little of the burden off you, having to think about housework etc. When my husband was diagnosed, our lung cancer specialist nurse applied for PIP for him. Because his diagnosis was was terminal, we got it straightaway. After a couple of months I had to finish my job as I coulld no longer leave him on his own so applied for Carer's allowance but it took so damned long that I actually received my Widow's allowance first!!!  Alan would have had such a laugh at that.

    Well, you stay upbeat my dear and keep writing.


  • Hi Lynn,  it's so nice to know that someone actually reads what I write! I find it therapeutic to get the day off my chest it helps me sleep at night,even if it's just a rant at least it's not bottled up.  I am so sorry about your husband, my darkest fears at the beginning were that I would end up on my own after nearly fifty years of marriage and courtship.   We have a long way to go yet but I am optomistic about the future and so are the rest of our family, I think you have the sme sense of humour as me, which is great.  Please keep in touch.  Carolx