Stage 4 pancreatic cancer terminal

Hello everyone 

im just after some advice, my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer terminal, she was given 6 months without chemotherapy and 12 months with chemotherapy, this was back in September 2020, she has only had 3 months worth of treatment all together due to poor health! So they have stopped her treatment all together now. I'm her main career due to my mum not wanting palliative care in to help. So my question is how long will I have with her now her treatment has been stopped. 
Thankyou in advance 

  • Hi Bec468,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. Firstly I'm so sorry to hear what your mum is going through - I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you.

    It's really hard to advise on the answer to your question and unfortunately no-one on the forum will really be able to give an answer. The best thing would be to discuss with your mum's specialist when you can - they will be best placed to advise specifically to her, but even then it may not be a concrete answer.

    I'm sorry to not be of more help, but I do hope this forum can provide some support to you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello I can't offer any personal advice , but if you have an Instagram account pancreaticcanuk is very good or www.pancreatic may be able to help you .. I hope your mum is at least comfortable. Very tough for you . Hugs x x x

  • I just lost my Mum 3 days ago to abdominal sarcoma cancer, it was incurable and she went from first symptom to death in 9 weeks. Two days later my Dad died of infection and low blood counts (maybe blood cancer related). Everyone's journey will be different but I can suggest you attempt to persuade your Mum to accept care. We had carers 4 times a day all free from NHS and without them we would have cracked I think. The love for Mum was immense and I did things I never thought I'd have to do but to do it full time is rather grim and exhausting. Thinking of you x x