Stage 4 pancreatic cancer

I am very confused. My sister in law has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, it has spread to her liver, lungs and spleen. She is having pallative chemo. However, the doctor said her cancer has shrunk! But, I got a phone call from her today and she had the worse pain ever in her back. She took extra morphine (something she never does so it must have been bad). How can she be in so much pain if it is shrinking?

  • Hi Bobby, 

    I see you have a few questions about your sister in law's treatment so I just wanted to stop by and give you our cancer nurses telephone number as chatting to them about this might help clear up a few things. They're available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040 so give them a call when you can as they will do all they can to help.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • thank you so much for your reply. I will ring the number. I just want to know the best way to help her.

  • Hi Bobbyboy,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I'm not an expert on pancreatic cancer but I do know that when my Dad had an inflamed pancreas the pain was intense. It may be that the cancer has indeed shrunk, but there are other complications.

    The cancer nurses may be able to give a better answer, but only your sister in laws care team will have her notes and will be able to give an informed view - assuming she doesn't mind them giving her personal information to you.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Dave, my sister in law has told the nirses etc to tell me anything I want to know. However, she does not want to know anything so I feel I cant ask, Thank you for your response